Thursday, September 10, 2009


I feel that I should clarify the REASON all our shit is cut off...

It wasn't a surprise, we actually planned it! It was in order to save ample amount of monies for New Orleans...we just weren't aware that in today's economic times that electricity, cable, water and phones companies were so strict about being one month behind!

Back in the day you could be like three months behind and they would send you a little letter saying, "YO! Remember me?!? Yeah, gotta pay me eventually, ok sweetie?!"

And that was that.

These days, it is all like, "WTF! You guys are 28 days late! That is IT! NO MORE PHONE/WATER/POWER/CABLE FOR YOU!"

It was decided that water and power was MUCH more important than phone and cable, so we DID pay those.

Anywho, Bobby get's paid tomorrow! We are thinking, that for the moment, we are going to get the cable turned back on instead of the phones! I can't believe I am saying that! I didn't think I would be able to live without my phone...but let's see...I have been phone free for approximately three weeks now! I honestly have only really NEEDED it twice! Isn't that strange? But I will confess, I totally miss texting!

As for cable - I am disappointed at how much I miss cable. I grew up without a TV my entire life. I didn't even get cable when I first moved out on my own. As a matter of fact, I didn't even get cable until the second year I owned my house and that was only because my friend Brian was moving in, and with his help, I could afford it! I love cable TV! I spent the entire Labor Day weekend watching the "How It's Made" marathon.

I get paid Tuesday...phones will be on, cable will be on, internet will be on, beer will be will be back to "normal".
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