Friday, September 18, 2009

I Spy With My Big Ass Eye...

Seriously. Another fierce stye has attacked my eye...

I had to go back and look when my last one was...June 30, 2008 is when I wrote about it. Though that stye was much harsher than this one, I still feel like I look like this:

But really, I just look like this:

And for an extra special look up close:

It feels so much bigger than that...weird.

And I swear I don't have a kinda looks like one, but I am growing it out. Just two more months and I think I will have enough hair to get a body wave perm thing and get back to looking like this:

Krystal is insisting that I grow it out. When we met it was pretty darn long!

The part I am looking forward to the most is when I get tired of it being long, I am just going to go in and get it cut...shaved off! Back to this look:

It is so fun to let people get used to something and then BAM!! Shock the hell out of em! Good times!

And lastly!! I would like to thank Mel from Mel's Way or No Way who became my 50th follower!! Thanks Mel!!! I am a new reader of Mel, but I think I should also mention that she fosters dogs. As we know, this grants you instant Sainthood in heaven.
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