Friday, November 2, 2007

Nigerian Scammers and Their Dumbassedness

I have a wonderful friend, Trish, whom I love oh so much. We met at a Collective Soul concert when I tried to bow her in the face while taking pictures of my husband and lead singer, Ed. (Ed isn't aware of our arrangement)

Anyway, Trish has been meeting some interesting mens on her internet dating site and on the web in general. The latest one was the most entertaining.

The story:

Name: Daniel
Occupation: Some kind of traveling computer guy or something
Location: at the moment, Nigeria
Family: has a small son that goes with him on his travels.

Trish and Daniel have been talking for about a month and it becomes PAINFULLY obvious by the second time they talk that there is something just not quite right about this.

Trish IM'd me about it and the first thing that popped into my head was Nigerian Scam. I watch WAY too much Chris Hanson.

After we did some research we pretty much confirmed that this was indeed a Trish decided to fuck with him. I have some of the IM conversations for your pleasureable reading! The set up for these IM's is that "Daniel" had said he was coming to see Trish...he was flying into Tampa this weekend. Of course at the last minute his son, David, got sick and was in the hospital. At this point is when the scammer asks for some money. $500 was what was asked for from Trish. Trish told him that she had a friend that was a good Christian that would get his church to help out. So she asked for the hospital address, phone number and person of contact at the hospital that his son was staying in. The address came back as a known scamming address. It was linked to an accounting firm, a Nigerian school of some sort...all kinds of crap.

And this is what Trish wrote:

Trish: Daniel, I have really frightening news. You know I told you that I have talked to my friend about you. She went online yesterday to make sure that the hospital you told me about can give David the kind of care he needs. I’m really scared because she found out that the hospital is somehow involved in all that Nigerian scam stuff we talked about before.
Trish: Honey, get David out of there right away and call the American Embassy right away! A friend that is in the security business called me this morning and I asked him what I could do to help you. He has a friend in Interpol that deals with this kind of thing all the time. He called his friend and the Interpol guy said that American citizens that need emergency help in Nigeria can call one of the following numbers to speak to the duty officer at the American Embassy there. They will be able to get David any treatment he needs. The numbers Greg gave me for you to call are 0803-408-6000 or (234) 1-261-0195 or (234) 1-261-1414.Trish Todd (11/1/2007 11:20:47 AM): Please call them, Daniel. I’m so worried about both of you. Please tell me that David is doing better today.
Trish: Please call them, Daniel. I’m so worried about both of you. Please promise that you will call them.

Daniel Tyler: wow
Daniel Tyler: i dont have to do that

Trish: Why not? It is the quickest way to get him the help he needs.

Daniel Tyler: david is under medications
Daniel Tyler: on debt

Trish: But I thought you said yesterday that they wouldn't continue his medications without being paid. Remember, this hospital is linked to those scams.
Trish: The address you gave me is set up to collect funds for several different types of Nigerian scams.

Daniel Tyler: yes was about losing him, i pleaded with them
Daniel Tyler: that i will pay them soon
Daniel Tyler: frst they didnrt accept
Daniel Tyler: they pitied me anyway saw the condition of david
Daniel Tyler: was getting wors
Daniel Tyler: i dont understand why u went to the american embassy

Trish: Well, that is a relief. I was trying to get you help for David.

Daniel Tyler: i never said there wasnt any here

Trish: I know. I just didn't know what else to do.

Daniel Tyler: Honey, that wasnt the kind of help i asked from you

Trish: That's why they are there - to help American citizens.
Trish: You said David was dying. If they can help you, why wouldn't you take him there. Those people that you are dealing with are stealing. You do understand that they are criminals that pray upon innocent people in need, don't you?

Daniel Tyler: You mean the scammers?

Trish: Yes, that is what they are doing with your money.

Daniel Tyler: No one is scamming here

Trish: Go online and look up the billing information that they gave you.
Trish: You will see what they are involved in. My friend does this kind of thing all the time.

Daniel Tyler: Hun idont knowe
Daniel Tyler: if u are not gonna help me with the money just tell me

Trish: I have no reason to mislead you. I told you that I don't have the money but if David's life is in danger, the embassy can help him right now and they have much better medical care. Go to the U.S. State department website.
Trish: It tells all about this kind of thing.

Daniel Tyler: honey you just have to try hard to raise me some cash

Trish: If David's life is in jeopardy, you need to take him now. Not wait until I can find money.

Daniel Tyler: i am looking for money to pay for the bills nd medication

Trish: I thought you said you would get paid next week. You can pay it then.

Daniel Tyler: yes
Daniel Tyler: i kow
Daniel Tyler: know*
Daniel Tyler: got to pay them in edays timer

Trish: Then you can pay them then. It would take me much longer than that to come up with $500.

Daniel Tyler: They are taking care of him now
Daniel Tyler: embassy aren't the help i need right now sweetie
Daniel Tyler: 2days

Trish: Then take him to the embassy. I don't understand why you won't take him there if he is so ill.

Daniel Tyler: Honey, i just dont want to get in touch with the Embassy here
Daniel Tyler: How much do u think you can come up with ????????????????????????????????

Trish: Why not? David is dying!
Trish: Okay
Trish: Here's the deal. I haven't believed a word you have said to me since the second time that we talked. You are a liar and a criminal. You will have to find someone far dumber than I am to prey upon because you are not getting a damned dime from me. In fact I have four IM screens open right now sharing our conversation with friends of mine and we are all amazed at how stupid you are. We have all been laughing at your stupidity for weeks. I suggest you do much more research before contacting anyone else with this bullshit scam because you suck at it. I also suggest that you not contact me again because I DO have a friend in the security business that DOES have a contact in Interpol.
Trish: You are going to have to step up your game a hell of a lot if you want to make a living at stealing from other people. Goodbye.

Daniel Tyler: Happy Hooooowloween!

Trish: You are a fucking idiot.

Daniel Tyler: Happy Halloween! (cackle)
Daniel Tyler: Come Kiss my black ASS
Daniel Tyler: Dumb Blonde Woman

Trish: Your black ass is not worthy of shit.
Trish: You're so stupid that you don't know the difference between a blonde and a brunette you ignorant fucker.

Needless to say, they haven't spoken since.

Ohhh the entertainment we have had though!!
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