Friday, November 9, 2007

E-mail's At Work

My e-mail to everyone:

Just giving everyone and update regarding the [case name] settlement. If I have not received your signature pages, I need them as soon as possible.


Signature pages for Settlement, Release and Confidentiality Agreement

[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - PENDING
[attorney name] - PENDING
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - PENDING
[attorney name] - Received

Signature pages for Stipulation of Dismissal

[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - PENDING
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - Received
[attorney name] - PENDING
[attorney name] - Received

I get a response back from a legal secretary in Charleston that I am not sure if I have ever spoken to or not...but I am very sure I like now...

Legal Secretary from Afar: I like your style!

Me: The style of the e-mail? If so...I stole the list/pending/received motif from someone...was it you?!

If you are speaking of the clothes I am wearing was two for one at Chili's last vision was still a little on the blurry side this morning! :)

Legal Secretary from Afar: Ha!!! totally like your style! You didn't steal the email motif from me, but I'm "borrowing" it from you. I predict blurry vision for myself beginning at 5:00 p.m.

Me: Awesome! I hope to visit some of my favorite friends tonight too. Sam, (Adams) Bud, (Light) and Amber (bock)
After all...they were so nice to me last night...
Have a good rest of the day!! Only 5 more hours!!!

Legal Secretary from Afar: tell the lads I said hello! I'm going to hang out with Mick (elob) tonight

Mick (elob) MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...that was soooo freakin witty...I love witty people.

Check for Legal Secretary from Afar...I like you!

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