Friday, November 30, 2007

It is Friday, right?

DOH! I was tricked into answering the phone! I thought it was someone I knew, but it was actually my BP gas card telling me that I suck and I need to pay them some money. I know I suck, but let me tell you about the past two years of my life: jobless for 4 months, borrowed a bazillion dollars from my parents to keep up with my mortgage payment as well as my other bills, moved to Savannah, paid a mortgage AND rent for almost a year, yes, A YEAR, had to put OVER $5,000.00 into the house because of a retarded home inspector, car broke down – more than once, oh what else…lets see, gosh I think I could go on for a while…and people wonder why I drink so much! Pshhhah!

Oh, speaking of drinking, I woke up this morning to a dum dum da dum dumm in my head and it took me about 30 seconds to realize it actually wasn't my head pounding at all…it was my friendly neighborhood homie wanting me to enjoy his bump in the trunk. Do I love loud things in the morning? Nay. I do not. Do I love loud music, drinking and dancing in the evening? Yay! I do!! So let's review: 8:30AM = BAD, 10:30PM while at the club/bar and not outside my window whilst sleeping = AWESOME! Geez, how many times do I have to go over this! You would think they don't read my blog or something.


So I celebrated pre-Friday last night…first stop Carrabbas – my girl Christine was working the bar, so magically two beers showed up in front of me. Let it be known that I did not eat yesterday due to the fact that I had to take an hour earlier in the morning to meet with the air conditioner guy cause our unit in the apartment is leaking EVERYWHERE. So after caffeinated my self half to death yesterday, I wasn't really all the hungry. Coffee is a great meal replacement too! Anywho, then we went to Longhorn to see Leslie and friends…had two beers or so there – Larkin and Paul came to meet us there and then we went to Chili's! Two for one baby!! Two for freakin one!! By the time we got to Chili's it was pretty evident that I needed to eat something, so we got some food and then drank some more. We went out to check the weather and when we got back our table was cleared, though we specifically told our server that we would be right back and she even put up an OCCUPIED/VIP sign so the busboy wouldn't clear it…but apparently reading isn't a requirement for busboys. So, she brought us all another round, which was two more beers a piece. Let's add: 2+2+2+2+2 = 10 beers + empty stomach = (carry the 2, minus 3) DRUNK.

When we finally did get home, our air unit had leaked all over the place…AGAIN. So yeah, not happy. My couch legs are going to be ruined. Oh well, if the couch has to go, I guess we can just sit on the floor. I am sure that is why God made us a bum in the first place. The air dude is supposed to come out again today…we shall see what they find. The carpet guy is going to need to come soon too cause it is starting to get a little musty up in that mofo.

Ok, gonna do something that resembles work now.
Peace suckas! Just kidding, you aren't a sucka. I love you so!
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