Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The upstairs neighbors are FINALLY GONE!

Of course, they just HAD to take one more jab at us and decided to move from 11:00pm Sunday all. through. the. night. until around 3:00pm Monday. They even sent a text to us saying the would be moving all night and sorry for the noise. Pssha.

It isn't like they didn't know they had to move this weekend. It isn't like they didn't have ALL day Saturday and Sunday to do so. No. They waited until it was bedtime on Sunday night.

So I did what I do best and drank myself into a stupor and passed out around 3:00am. Even with my beer ears (similar to beer goggles, but in the alternative, do not allow you to hear every single noise) I only managed to get around 4 hours of sleep.

No worries though, Monday was a lazy, daytime drinking day.

Last night I slept like a baby...all the way through the night! I was also able to watch TV last night without hearing boom boom boom boom boom of the bass from music above my head, which also made for very enjoyable TV watching.

Oh, the things I have missed in the last two years.

Looking forward to meeting the TWO (only TWO) girls moving in upstairs. The landlord says they won't be there full time until August or so. BLISS!
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