Thursday, June 17, 2010


No excuse. Sorry. At least not one that is different than any other, work, work, no time to blog, work, work, work.

Nothing of great worthiness has happened since the last blog, so I will sum it all up:

Beach - AWESOME!
True Blood - AWESOME!

So we decided to change our TV service to non-cable. We are now of the satellite variety of TV viewers. We have had some issues with customer service, them not being up front with the ENTIRE cost of everything...

AND didn't set it up right the first time...

AND they didn't come to fix it on the day they said they would...

BUT when the did finally come, it was a pretty pleasant experience. Not QUITE sure how it happened, but they stayed and visited for two hours, drank some beers and shot the breeze about a whole lotta nuthin. In the end it actually works out kinda of the dudes is going to bring me the entire last season of Dexter so we can catch up on that!

Wanna know how long it took me to write this post?!? An HOUR.

Be back soon!

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