Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What I Did This Weekend...

It has just come to my attention that my office currently smells of a massive fart. I know I didn't fart, so that leaves only one culprit and since she is over the age of 50 I suppose that gives you a free pass. However, it is burning my nose.

This past weekend was particularly party-tastic! On Friday night Bobz, me and KK went to a Bachelorette Party, yes, Bobby went to a Bachelorette party, but shit, he is The Bobz and the girl that was getting married was his friend, so it was only natural. That was full of singing karaoke at the most redneck bar on Tybee Island and staying up dancing till 2:00a.m.

The pictures isn't particularly good, but if you read the above, specifically redneck, bar and 2:00a.m., you have a good idea why.

Saturday night we had a going away party for Bobby's cousin, Andy. He is moving to Louisiana for a job. We are going to miss the little bugga-boo! We had face dances...

...piggy back rides...

and of course, beer. We stayed up till about 4:00a.m. Saturday.

Sunday I slept till about 1:30p.m., got up, had breakfast and then had to get ready for the wedding of the above Bachelorette. It was a beautiful event, with plenty of mushy-mushy and just the right amount of kissy-kissy, followed by, well, none other than BEER.

We enjoyed the reception until we were kicked out. OH, well, it was open bar AND On a Sunday. (you cannot buy beer in Georgia on Sunday) (I KNOW! WTF?!?) (We usually drive over to South Carolina to get it though) (or make friends with someone in the military and go on base) (ending parenthesis run on) ()

OH and then just randomly today, when I was going to lunch, right in the middle of the road I saw this:

And you might not know what that was, but I will tell you. It was a completely paralyzed guy with some 15 year old kid riding on his lap DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. I didn't think about it till later, but shit, I hope that kid wasn't kidnapping that dude and just riding him down the road. That would be rude. The bus is only $1.50 AND you USUALLY don't have an old, lumpy man you have to sit on.
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