Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Give Me The Stats!

I do love me a stat counter! Especially reading how my blog is found. This week on the stats we will find the following:

(You may need to make large for reference. It will open in another window)

First, let's look at the items with dots beside them.

Who is searching for my perm?! Was it so bad that one must come back again and again for laughs!!! I got my eye on you!!! Aww, just kidding, but don't look out your window right now.

Now let's move to the smiley face.

Whoever out there searched for KK and Bobz blogspot I heart you so!

"This life of mine got a lot to do before I live it up in search of people?!?"

Sir, are you drunk? WTF does that even mean?!?! I think you should refrain from typing and drinking at the same time. Unless, of course, you have one of those beer hat thingies.

I sure hope that really wasn't a picture of you.

Next, and of most important note, check out the arrow...who the hell wants to defenestrate me?!? RUDE is what that is. JUST RUDE.

And then there is the ever present searches for Kate Gosselin's hair. That woman is never going to stop getting hits on my blog. She should pay me. Well, she would probably have to sell one of her children to pay me what I am asking, but she has 8...she has a few to spare.
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