Monday, March 15, 2010

A Beautiful Blogger!!

Or at least this awards says so! :)

LilliGirl over at It's A Great Life...bestowed upon me the below:

Thank you Lilli for this most prestigious award!!!!!

And now for the rules...

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!

4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

OK, Rule # 1...CHECK!

On to Rule #2...

1. I believe beer to be the single most wonderful alcoholic beverage in the world. It doesn't matter where you go in the world, you will find beer. It is part of my belief that world peace is reliant on all beer drinkers coming together. It is a work in progress.

2. I typically gain and lose 20lbs every year. I try and lose it all at the beginning so I can eat whatever I want throughout the rest of the year. Probably not the most healthy diet plan...hummm, Mexican food sounds good today.

3. I started blogging over six years ago. It was a project my therapist made me do since I had such a hard time speaking the things I was thinking. He read it daily and we discussed each week at my sessions. I was in therapy due to a bad breakup. Needless to say, my blogging topics have changed dramatically!

4. I actually enjoy getting up in front of people. Whether to "sing" or speak about something, I enjoy it! I thank my 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Wilcox, for that. She used to make me give tours at our local historic locations and even put me on TV one time. Looking back, she was probably trying to keep me busy so I wouldn't get in trouble...all the same, it has helped me significantly in life!

5. I have a complete plan set up in case I win the lottery. It is quite complex and sometimes, if I can't sleep at night, I think it through and it helps relax me enough to go to sleep.

6. I have flown all the way from Georgia to Seattle, Washington just for a weekend of fun. Ahh, those were the days.

7. We didn't have a TV in our house when I was growing up. I would like to say that I could survive without one now. I suppose I probably would get used to it, but DAMN I love watching TV!


1. Tina at Tina-cious

3. Andrea at Gathering Dust

4. Charm over at Charm City Barfly.

5. FUCK! No one else on my blogroll has has updated in a while...OR doesn't put up awards...OR already has this one.

OH! IDEA! If you want this award TAKE IT! And don't tell anyone that I didn't follow the damn rules.

6. For you...

7. And you...

8. And especially you...

9. NOT you, but you...

10. Hi, here ya go...

11. You will love this, go ahead, take it...

12. I have this for you...

13. Bitch, please...

14. It doesn't take up much room...

15. Go ahead!

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