Thursday, March 4, 2010


I know! You are probably like WTH?! Believe me, I have been screaming it for days now!

Work has been atrocious (nice word usage), but I shant (another good word) complain, as I know many of you are either looking for jobs or in jobs that you do not enjoy.

I DO enjoy mine and it is only because I am so freaking awesome that they pile endless amounts of work on me, because they know it will get done. Eventually. And all that stuff before the word "eventually" is just what I tell myself to make me feel better about the endless amounts of work.


You may or may not have heard that a couple of weekends ago Savannah got snow! They almost had to import the snow plows for us:

Oh, click the damn picture if you can't see the snow. GAH!

We DID get snow!! It may not be stacked up on the street 20 stories high, but I was able to make a ping pong size snowball.

Though it didn't stick very well, it did snow quite hard for about three hours. VERY large flakes, which I was pretty surprised survived the long fall from cloud to my mouth. Which tasted awesome with my beer. We danced, in our pajamas, with beers in hand, in the snow for abouuuttttt...five minutes and then we decided that it was too damn cold and went back in to watch True Blood.

How about it snowed the DAY that I got my new car. Poor little thing has been through it. I have more pictures to prove it:

No, really, click it. I was bombed with amazing bird poop fury! Bobby said we must have been outed as cat owners. I am beginning to become very wary of birds. I feel certain they are connected to the mafia somehow.

Joseph and Ana came to visit last weekend. We took them to the bar where you can write on walls. Wait, no, the bar where they ENCOURAGE you to write on walls. As we know, you can write on walls in just about any bar, but you have to bring your own marker.

(That is the date they got married)

Just so you know, when I die and come back to haunt your ass, this is what I will look like:

Most alive people won't give you this courtesy on what to look for when they are dead. I am just nice like that.

And to end this post, I leave you with overwhelming cuteness:

That is an old picture I found of lil ol Stryker Hawk, who is now 7 months old and weighs 12lbs. He is going to be BIG cat. Such a cute lil mini leopard. Awwwww! (Yes, un-picked up beer cans from the night before.)
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