Monday, March 8, 2010

Could Have Done It All Day Long

Sleep of course. It doesn't take long for my body to decide that it is totally OK with going to bed at 3:00am and sleeping till 1:00pm. This morning was no exception. I had a difficult time sleeping last night, which made for a rude 8:00am awakening.

SO, this weekend in a a few random words: park, reading, roller derby, bad karaoke, mullets, ghetto, redneck bar, Belgian people.

The weather this weekend was pretty darn lovely, so Krystal and I decided to go to Forsyth Park on Saturday. She had a magazine, I had my new book (a sur-present aka a surprise and a present in one) from Larkin! It is Ellen's Mom's book, "Love, Ellen". So far, fantastic!

After going to the park, we went home, showered and waited on Andy (Roommate Bobby's cousin) to come down so he could go to the Savannah Derby Devil's roller derby.

This is my homeslice, Mt Killa...

or Stephanie if she isn't on the rink, after a particularly bad wipe out which totally wrecked her knee. That's what happens when you gotta take a bitch down...sometimes you may take out your own knee too.

After the bout we decided to head over to my favorite redneck bar of all time, The Longbranch. As it turns out, they were having karaoke. The absolute WORST karaoke, EVER. And I know karaoke. It was so horrible that I was actually the best singer there. ME!!! The best?!? I had MULTIPLE requests to sing. If not for the earthquakes, blizzards and whacked out things happening these days, that points to the end of the world, me being the best singer?!?! BWAHAHAHA!

I did get this phenomenal video of this drunk, 110 year old, doing the "Stankey Leg". The real action happens at about 23 seconds. Excuse the hysterical laughter. Or just add to it. Also, peep the awesome sweater at about of a guy that called himself "Savannah Sam" all night, he be-bops by at about 36 seconds.

It was at this amazing bar that Krystal made friends with a couple named Rob and Carmen. They are from Belgium. The are also on a year long trip touring the entire western world. North AND South America. All of it. ON A MOTORCYCLE! They were just the epitome of interesting! I learned alot during our time at The Longbranch. I learned that Belgians don't like Germans. (apparently they invaded multiple times...who knew!? Maybe you. Not me.) I also learned that they are riding the western world on the very same bike I own. The very same bike that is currently not running due to a mysterious ailment. And how about these lovely people VOLUNTEERED to come by and take a look at my bike for me! So sweet!

So around 4:00 on Sunday, Rob and Carmen arrived at our house. When someone HERE says I will "take a look", that means, quite literally that they will do a little look-see under the hood or whatnot. Apparently in Belgium it means completely dismantle.

My bike was in a few hundred pieces, gas tank on the grass and everything. After about an hour and a half of checking various things (and me learning about spark plugs, batteries and jet kits) the issue was discovered. It is something to do with a vacuum thingy located directly behind my air filter which is currently stuck and should be moving. If you want technical terms, you are reading the wrong blog my friend.

All of that was to say that you just never know what going to a bar will do for ya! New foreign friends, on one crazy adventure, incredibly interesting and a motorcycle that is on it's way to being fixed! OH! And they got to try Kool-Aid for the first time. I think it might have been a little sweet for them...but I plan on getting their address and mailing them some as a thank you!
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