Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I mentioned a few posts back about meeting our friends, Rob and Karmen, from Belgium. We met at The Longbrach, always home of fantastic mullets and horrible karaoke. Oh, how I do love The Longbranch.

Meet Rob:

Meet Karmen:

Also, you can stalk them track their adventures here.

SO, they were only supposed to be visiting Savannah for two weeks or so and then making their way down to South America. An unfortunate set of events have occurred, one being the sidecar they were using to haul their belongings was defective and the company in which they bought it from is giving them grief about returning their money and secondly, the house they were staying in was robbed and their external hard drive, holding all their music, movies copies of ID's, passports, credit cards, etc. was taken, along with their MP3 player and GPS.

What the FUCK is WRONG with people?!? Why? WHY? WHY? WHYYYYY? It pisses me the fuck off that these lovely folks took time out of their two year long trip to visit this beautiful city and they get jacked! On top of THAT, the MP3 player is useless without the proper software to erase the data and the thieves don't even have the software to make the GPS work! People are just plain useless sometimes. Makes. Me. Ill.

The good news in all of this is that we were able to hang out with Rob and Karmen again last night. They are currently waiting to see if any of their things show up (they were smart enough to have the serial numbers for all of the items stolen) and they are also waiting on a new trailer to be built for them to haul behind their bike.

So last night we took the kids out to eat at Carrabba's and to shoot pool at our local pool hall, Capone's. First of all, we got our asses HANDED to us, I am pretty sure they are pool sharks and secondly, I got a little too tipsy for a Monday night, which made for a not so awesome 8:00 awakening. I typically like to reserve my hangovers for Fridays. All the same, it was TOTALLY worth it to hang out with such interesting people! We are already talking about saving up money and in two years (they will still be on the road for at least another year) trying to make a trip over to see them.

By the way, KAT, this trip actually involves you too! We were going to fly to England, stay with you and your peeps and take the train over to see France and shit and also visit them in Belgium. Thought you might need to know that we would be squatting at your spot. Minor detail.

We are hoping that we can take Rob and Karmen to the beach this weekend...but before then we are excited that they have agreed to come over Wednesday evening for Sour Cream Cheesy Burritos! A Jessica specialty! Horrible for your figure, fantastically orgasmic going down!

OH! Spring is here! WOOT!
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