Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ahh, Wednesday!

I am glad it is FINALLY Wednesday, since on Monday I thought it was Tuesday and you can imagine my disappointment when yesterday wasn't FINALLY, it is here.

Did I mention that my youngest brother left for boot camp two weeks ago? I don't think I did. Well, Jacob, my youngest brother, age 20, went off to boot camp for the Air Force Reserve. He received his top security clearance and is going to be working with bombs.

He is pretty much the smartest of all three of us, but being the youngest has always felt like he had something to prove. This included getting into MUCH more trouble than Joseph or I ever did. Always taking crazy risks and attempting to drop out of high school when he only had like two months left. He is your classic know-it-all, barely out of his teens, boy.

Jacob was confident that boot camp was going to be a cake least that is the words that came out of his mouth. I let him know that if boot camp was a piece of cake then everyone would be doing it.

Mom said he finally got to call the other day and said "he has vent cleaning, laundry and toilet duty – but they rotate. If not, I know of two areas where he will have personal growth."

Ahhh, Mother, always with the hilarity. But it pisses me off that he doesn't already know how to detail a toilet and do laundry. I am pretty sure I knew how to clean a toilet by the age of 2 1/2 and was most certainly doing my laundry by 3. OK, maybe I am exaggerating, but gahhhhhh the youngest always gets away with EVERYTHING! [stomps foot]

He is going to be a new man when he gets out! I am very much looking forward to seeing him contribute in this world. He has always wanted to impress people...and now he is actually going to have the skills to do that! SO PROUD!

This is the ACTUAL family photo Mom is going to print: (I am hugging lil bro Jacob)

OH! One more thing...totally forgot to mention this earlier. Remember Skitz, the dog Ana is holding in the OTHER family pictures (look back a few posts ago), well Skitz accidentally got lose in Joseph and Ana's friend's home that has two German Shepherds. Naturally, it was an accident and they were acting on instinct, but they ended up having to put Skitz down because she was hurt too bad.

It was quite the shock for them, as Skitz was the first dog they had ever gotten together. Very sad moment. However, it did open up the doors for them to get:

OMG! RIGHT!!?!? So freakin cute!
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