Monday, February 20, 2012

Savannah's Palm Leaf Roses

My friend Michelle let me borrow her camera today so I could take pictures of some local attorneys (including two from my firm) who are getting together a team to raise some money for the American Diabetes Association.

Don't worry, I am not going to ask you for any money, but working with two people who have had diabetes young and for a long time (Larkin and one of the attorney's here, who was diagnosed when he was two...he is in his 50's now) it is an organization that hits close to home. So, ya know, if you ever wanted to donate to a cause and you were just like, "Humm, I have this extra $10 sitting around, wonder who I should give it to?!?" I would totally suggest the ADA.

Anyway, after taking the attorney's pictures I was waiting for them to finish chit-chatting and I took this photo of one of our street peddlers. All of the guys and gals that make roses out of palm leafs have just gotten out of prison. They are able to purchase a license to sell their goods on the streets and are taught by a local organization how to sell them and make even more creative things. I even saw a lady that had weaved whole baskets...that is pretty impressive.

Just looking at his clothes and watching him for a while, you can see that life has been long and hard. I feel certain that these guys take their earnings for the day and head to the local liquor store, but I would rather them have to work for it than just beg from people.

All the same, I am thankful that I do not have a need to posses the palm leaf rose making skill. I got my karaoke skill and it is powerful. :)
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