Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Morning Routine

When driving to work in the morning I share the pain, that many people do, of traffic and really long red lights. While waiting this morning, at a particularly long red light, I noticed this:

Let me zoom that for you:

Ah, yes, that says:


I would appreciate Subway not fucking with my mind as I had to contemplate if they meant to spell February wrong for about 5 minutes, which is (in)conveniently the time it takes to get that traffic light to change.

I could remember when I started spelling that the first "R" in February kinda snuck up on ya, but that last one was pretty fucking hard to miss. AND then I remembered that Subway is doing that ANY foot long promotion thing and decided that they aren't really THAT dumb.

Pronouncing Bighot Pastrami out loud, as I was doing all alone in my vehicle, makes for bigot pastromi, which I shall take no part in. No bigoted pastrami will ever come near MY mouth...but anything big and hot can. Oh yes...THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!

So all in all, my visit to the DeRenne/White Bluff intersection was filled with much contemplation. Can't say the same for the rest of the day!

Hope your Wednesday is going well!!!
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