Friday, February 3, 2012

Bowling Day

As has been the case for almost two years, we have bowling night on Thursdays. I am not sure I have even called Thursday Thursday for two is just called Bowling Day.

I look forward to bowling day every single week. It is a time when we get to mingle with people we wouldn't normally mingle with. We have made the strangest of friends there who have all walks of life. Lawyers, therapists, car mechanics, engineers, plumbers, car salesmen, is just like everyday life, except everyone comes together at one time to throw a really heavy ball down a slippery lane to knock down semi-cylindrical objects.

This week, we were playing next to a team that had a little boy named Bryant. CUTEST. THING. EVER! He had a black eye, cuts and scrapes all about - PURE BOY. Before you think his parents beat him, we saw him get the black eye last week. Face plant right into the side of one of the tables. Which are bolted to the ground. They really aren't very forgiving, even for a kid's face.

These photos are from Michelle taken with her fancy new iPhone using the Hipstamatic app.

Bryant doing his karate chop move to Krystal


Some goofy ass person that wouldn't stand still for a photo.

Krystal obviously intrigued by my amazing bowling skills. All 100 points of it.

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