Thursday, June 2, 2011

And CUT!

We did it! Finally! We own a house! A house of our very own! Good thing too, cause I have already spilled beer on the carpet.

Getting this house aged me a decade and also produced one anxiety attack...but hey, it was totally worth it!

We got up bright and early on Friday morning to pick up the U-Haul. Said U-Haul was about the size of a semi truck. I can't say that judging size of moving trucks verses how much crap we actually own is my strong point! However, I WILL say that it took one and a half all in all, renting too big was actually an OK thing. OH and the half trip is cause we only filled half the truck with random shit that we had planned to take in a car loads.

Of note, we were asked by no less than five homeless people if they could help load the truck in exchange for money or if we could leave the stuff we weren't taking on the sidewalk so they could go through it to see if they wanted something and my absolute favorite was when me and Larkin had our hands full of shit...and I mean loaded down...the kind of loaded down where you are using your chin to pin down the stuff in your arms, fingers are burning and hoping it doesn't all crash to the ground before you scuffle over the the truck...a lady who was walking by stopped us and said, "Scu meh, does you gots fidy cent?"

I gave her the death stare of all death stares. The one that clearly says WHAT THE FUCK?! REALLY?!?. She walked away. Larkin later commented, "Sure lady! Let me just drop this and go inside and get my purse for you!" I will NOT miss that part of living downtown.

We packed until about 2:00pm when we finally got the call from my office that the paperwork was ready to be signed. What a wonderful call! Especially since we had a truck load of stuff that we needed to put somewhere!

We got to the new abode and it was approximately 1,026,987 degrees in the house. Turns out that whole air conditioning thing they were supposed to fix...didn't get fixed. OH and I should mention 87 degrees on Friday, 90 degrees on Saturday, 89 degrees on Sunday and 89 degrees on Monday. YES, OF COURSE the air conditioning wasn't working on the hottest days thus far in the month! AND OF COURSE it was Memorial Day weekend, so the air conditioning didn't get fixed until Tuesday. I must say here that I LOVE YOU JOHN THE AIR CONDITIONING GUY! I would have TOTALLY given you my first born that day...if I had a first born.

Also, the refrigerator wasn't working properly. The fridge part was barely cool and the freezer was acting like the fridge part. Not only was it the temperature of hell inside the house, I had no cool spot to stick my head! The fridge got fixed yesterday. Complete with a therapy session for the man that fixed our fridge. Apparently his cat just died and his wife left him. Yes, I too thought he was going to break out into a country song, but no, he just wanted to let off some of his woes. This happens to me often. I carefully pick out my t-shirts I wear and I promise NONE of them says, "Hi, complete stranger! Come share your problems with ME!" Eh, it is all good...if he needed someone and I was there, then I suppose it was just meant to be. Plus, he fixed the fridge!! COLD BEER! Oh, and food.

After unpacking and cleaning up the rental house all day on Saturday a crew of us, Larkin, Paul, Bobby, Michelle, Me and Krystal went to see KATHY GRIFFIN! She came to Savannah!! SO EXCITING! I understand that Kathy is an acquired taste for some, but she tastes JUST RIGHT for me! I have been a fan of hers for a long time. It was a nice break from all the hustle! Also of note, we saw Paula Deen (hisssss) and Ruby there as well. Paula came up on stage at the beginning of the show and Ruby was just at the show and was leaving when we spotted her not-so-gigantic-anymore self! I was THIIIISSSS close to Ruby, about to pose for a picture, when her manager whisked her away. Damn it. So basically, all of our Savannah celebrities were in one place. Oh, if only the tourists could have seen!

Sunday and Monday were spent TRYING to unpack, but it was so damn hot in the house you could only get one thing done before having to GO OUTSIDE to cool off.

Things are starting to get done now that the air is working! We have the washer and dryer in, I installed the front door lock (with my new drill), fixed the disposal and bought a new dishwasher. I am LESBIAN!! RAWR! I plan on installing that bad boy too. Yeah, never installed a dishwasher before. Never even seen anyone do it. It is called and ADVENTURE IN LESBIAN LAND! If I fail I can always take HH Gregg up on that installation offer they tried to get me to buy for $120.00.

I will get pictures up soon! No one wants to see a house all in disarray, so you are going to have to wait until we get it to some sort of normal. Also, the Mexican themed paint colors will be staying up until we have our Mexican themed house warming party! Bring your sombrero and amigos!
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