Monday, June 13, 2011

Karaoke Song Meme

I was tagged by Kat to do this here Karaoke Song MeMe.

If you know me at all you know I absolutely hate karaoke. HA! NOT! I don't know how I could live without the stuff! I even had our firm HIRE a karaoke person to come to our St. Patrick's Day party! I was VERY insistent, even though I really didn't have to be, cause our firm loves them some karaoke!

Kat also informed me that I was NOT allowed to pick Shoop by Salt N Pepa. Well, blasphemy I say! That is MY JAM!

Other than Shoop, I also sing a bit of Creep by Radiohead with Bobby at times...and also we party on with a bit of Pussy Cat Dolls too.

But if I HAD to pick one, and it wasn't Shoop (GAH!), then I would go for this:

Mostly because it is fast and catchy. And fun to sing! Plus, anytime I get a chance to show my country roots, I do. Even though I don't even particularly care for country music. Weird.

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