Monday, June 20, 2011


FINE FINE FINE! You have forced me to take pictures with my camera phone. I still can't find the actual camera. I am going to take video soon so you can get the full effect of the colors and how they DO NOT BLEND AT ALL.

This is part of the back yard...there are lots of bald spots in the yard due to the fact that the previous owners were burning things in the yard. Not sure what that was about. Getting grass to grow is a project long in the future.

This is Kitter acting like she wants to come outside. She isn't an outside kitty. As a matter of fact, when I opened the sliding glass door, she stuck her head out and quickly decided it was too hot.

This is our kitchen. It is orange during the day, red during the night. Most people that come over say they like it. We do not feel the same, sorry. It HAS to go. The counter tops also need to be replaced and the cabinets need to be repainted. Other than that it has a new stove, new dishwasher (GO ME!) and a pretty decent fridge. All the shit piled up is stuff we haven't found a home for yet. It is a process.

Here is one view of the living room. My couches fit wonderfully in this room! This view is looking into the kitchen. Note that the kitchen was red, with a blue accent wall and the living room is yellowish, with a DIFFERENT blue accent wall.

Another view of the living room.

View from the couch

Ferret room/litter box room/play area for ferrets

Bright ass blue guest bathroom. The linoleum flooring in both of the bathrooms are like this. Horrible. Both bathrooms will be tiled and have new vanities soon. OH and new paint jobs.

View down the hall from the ferret room...the glowing green room. I know, the colors are killing you, aren't they?!?

The green room aka guest bedroom

Living room from the hallway

View from living room into the kitchen/back yard

Laundry room

Master bedroom

My ultimate goal here is to show you how the house looks in complete disarray, so that when you see the final result it will be even MORE dramatic! I didn't even bother to put away my laundry or make the bed.

I also didn't take a picture of the master bath, walk in closet and garage. I will remedy that soon!
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