Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Daughter Has a Penis!

See, that's not something you hear everyday! But I heard it from Brother Joseph today. Did I tell you guys that Joseph and Ana are having a baby? A baby girl? Well, if I did, I would be wrong, as in apparently sexing of a baby in Puerto Rico is an unknown art, as well as telling you how far along you are in pregnancy. So, let's set the record straight.

Ana is having a BOY and she is NOT five months along, she is actually SIX months and some odd weeks.

So now there is a mad exchange of baby gifts and clothes and a new name. are now William. WOW. I just realized they picked out some really royal names there. Humm, well, anyway, it is probably for the best. I was going to call Victoria Vicky for a while and then just shorten it to Icky.

Now there is going to be William, named after our grandfather, who already has a million nicknames for his name, Will, Bill, it is up to me to find a good nickname for this twerp.

We have confirmation that the loan deferment for KK's student loan HAS been deferred, but we are still lacking the almighty document in hand, which is very necessary to close on Friday. We are running out of time people!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It is such a tiny thing. Just a form letter that you change a couple tiny things in and press a button and BOOM, faxed. What the hell are they doing on loan deferment land? I can tell you what...sitting in their cubicles, making minimum wage, pissed off that they don't have a loan to defer and laughing at us. That is what.

OK, I don't know about the laughing at us part, but I do know the rest. I used to be a telemarketer. And even though these people are just a level up from that, I feel certain they hate their jobs as much as I did. That, bar none, was the worst job I ever had. It was the FIRST job I ever had as well. I can tell you that picture up there is full of lies! Ties? No. Well groomed people? No. Clean carpet and work environment? No.

Telemarketing is where I met an interesting variety of people. I met my first gay person, transgendered person, person with HIV and all walks of life that were one step above being homeless. If my mother had seen the working conditions/personnel she would have never let me work there. Good life experience nonetheless.

But back to that piece of paper. FAX IT FUCKERS! I am tired of waiting. Kthxbie.
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