Saturday, June 18, 2011

Parenting 101

I was having a conversation with one of the attorneys at work about his mother in law finding pot and bongs in her 19 year old's (his brother in law) room and she called said attorney's wife (which would be the sister of the 19 year old) to see if she (the mom) should be worried. Among other things she was worried that he was a drug dealer and possibly smoking black tar heroine. This is only funny because the "black tar ball" she found, was the cashed weed that would have previously been in the bowl, but had fallen out somehow. The story made me giggle and then reminded me of my own story.

When I was about 17 my mom found some papers, the rolling kind, on our front porch. She accused me of having dropped them. I couldn't make the proper argument...which was, "Mom, I KNOW those aren't mine because I don't smoke weed in rolling papers, I use cigar wraps. I am gangsta! I only smoke blunts, yo." But of course, that wouldn't have really helped the situation.

Many years later I asked one of my brothers about it, who were 8 and 6 at the time, and they confirmed that our next door neighbor, who was also around 6 at the time, had found them in his MUCH older brother's room and had showed it to them. None of them knew what it was for, just knew it was adult stuff, and therefore threw it down and went on about their business of being 8 and 6 year olds.

Since I was reminded of this event, which happened 13 years ago, I decided to e-mail my mother to exonerate myself. She said she was sorry. And also sorry for accusing me of having those birth control pills that one time (which, I HONESTLY do not remember). She said that the birth control pills were actually hers, but she had forgotten that she got them and then a few days later, AFTER getting on to me, she remembered that they were hers, but didn't want to eat crow, so she never said she was sorry. LOL! That is SO my mother.

She also shared this story, which had me CRACKING UP!

"Did I tell you about the pill I found in the truck when the boys were in high school? I was so upset, I didn't know what to I carried it around trying to figure out what it was . I went to CVS to see if the pharmacist could identify it so when I presented my case to the boys I wasn't entirely ignorant. The pharmacist studied it and said she had no clue, gave it back to me. I put it in my pocket. Later when I got home, I took it out and for whatever reason I smelled it. As I raised the pill to my nose it hit my lip. It was a mint. LMBO. Dumb pharmacist."

Good luck to all you parents out there...I know it has to be tough!!
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