Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Guess Who Is Coming To Visit?!?

West-fucking-boro Baptist (fake)Church!

RIGHT HERE! In Savannah!! WHAT??!??!

According to Westboro, and their infinite wisdom on such things, our Savannah schools have been infested with fags.

The first thing I said was, "Whew, at least they aren't infested with fleas; those fuckers are hard to get rid of!"

But really, what the fuck. First of all, all three of those schools are pretty fucking gangster. As I am not a native of Savannah, I had to confer with Larkin, who told me that even SHE was afraid of Beach High School. (She attended Jenkins High School)

Seriously, the supposed "fag problem" is NOT the problem in these schools...and if they don't get the support of the local Savannah Police Department, Westboro Baptist might get front row seats to the sad amount of violence in our Savannah schools.

On that note, I would like to leave you with this Failbook I saw the other day that gave me quite the chuckle. (Click to open in new window)

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