Thursday, May 12, 2011


People, I love gadgets. I don't get to buy them very often as my consumption of adult barley beverages is usually more important than me having the newest iPhone, iPad, or iAirplane (you know those Apple people probably have one in the works)

My boss is king of all things new. I just play with his new stuff and think if it is applicable to my life. It never can be justified. I haven't even justified buying a laptop. We bought one off of Krystal's co-workers for $150.00 and I think I have used it twice.

I do have a smart phone. Not by choice as much as by force. When my last phone broke a couple of weeks ago, my options were a shitty $75 phone, OR use the rebate and upgrade discount and get a bad ass HTC Evo for $175. Humm, well, yeah, I guess that would be the smart thing to do. So I did. No regrets, it is awesome! Certainly wouldn't have bought it when it first came out...$499.00?!? WHAT?!?

Ah, my point to this story: I was watching Shark Tank (hoo-ha-ha) the other day and this company came on: OrigAudio.

Dudes! Dudettes! These people are AWESOME! I had to pause that shit just so I could get to the computer to order! I was sold immediately! Where has this gadget BEEN all my life?!?

It is called the Rock-It 2.0. I cannot WAIT to get this device! We plan on using it for our beach days. It is hard to explain, so you will have to watch the video. I tried to explain it to two people without having them watch the video and it went like this:

Me: It is a device that turns anything into a speaker.

Them: *crickets* [blank stare]


Them: Yeah. I heard you. WHAT THE FUCK?

Me: GAH!! Just watch the video:

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