Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend Review

It was QUITE a busy weekend! I was SUPPOSED to go to bed early on Friday, but after going to Wild Wing to eat, we somehow got drug out downtown and were out later than we expected.

Saturday was our busiest day. I had a hangover to get over, a wedding to go to at 4:00pm on one side of town and a gala at 7:00pm downtown. It went something like this:

Leave house at 2:30, go get wedding gift I forgot to get all week at Bed, Bath and Beyond, jump into Jersey Mike's sub shop for a quick bite to eat as we have forgotten to do that all day too, drive 30 minutes to Wilmington Island where said wedding is taking place, get lost finding location, find location, get lost AT location (very large was at a golf club/plantation), sit down for wedding, wedding starts at 4:17, ends at 4:25 (Those are really the BEST weddings), start slamming drinks at 4:27, sit down, eat, leave at 6:30pm, arrive downtown for next event at 7:02pm, valet parking is full, take an additional 20 minutes to find parking. Arrive at Kiss-A-Pig Gala for American Diabetes Association. Meet and greet people, eat more, slam more drinks, take pictures in provided photo booth: (you should click these for the full effect...)

Whitney and Michelle

Larkin, Krystal, Michelle and Me (my favorite picture is the last one in this strip of Michelle...I can't quit laughing at it)

Paul, Whitney, Larkin, Michelle, Krystal and Me

Michelle and Larkin

Larkin, Krystal, Michelle and Me

Krystal and Me

Krystal and Me

Paul and Larkin

Serious good fun! We left the gala and went out downtown...stayed out ENTIRELY too late...pretty sure my head hit the pillow around 3:00am. I suffered all day Sunday and because of the busy weekend of staying up too late, sleeping in too late, I didn't go to bed until 2:00am. I will be going to bed REALLY early tonight!

Weekend: SUCCESS!!
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