Friday, May 20, 2011


The house HAS to close next Friday. Just HAS to! We are waiting on ONE tiny little document to be sent and the processing of that one tiny document is taking FOREVER!

There are a massive amount of reasons that we HAVE to close next Friday, of note: we have to be OUT of the house we are in on the 31st.

So far things are looking good, but it still doesn't help the stress levels!

OH! Kathy Griffin is coming to town next weekend! AND the Westboro Baptist Church will also be picketing this weekend AND next weekend! It is going to be a BUSY weekend!

Westboro is going to be picketing FIVE churches...who are apparently masquerading as whorehouses. Who knew?!? If church was like THAT perhaps I would be there every weekend! They are picketing pretty much every sect of church we have here, Catholic, Baptist, Episcopalian, non-denominational, Jewish...and also three high schools that are "pervert run and fag infested". Naturally there are protests forming in response to the protest. I probably won't have time to go to any of them, but I will try and make it a point to stop by and maybe take some pictures of the crazies!

I Tweeted Kathy Griffin and told her the protesters were going to be here the weekend she was here and thought we should set up a drag show outside of the picket line with her as the Emcee. I didn't hear back, but it would be SO awesome if she did go out there to protest, right?!?

That is pretty much all. I will let you know if we are living in a house or a U-Haul by next week!
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