Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hearts Aflutter!

Tiny niece or nephew is progressing longer a black dot and starting to resemble some other sort of mass that is vaguely human.

The heartbeat is strong, though not able to be heard yet, but Ana said that the white flicker on the screen indicated it was doing what any heart of that size should be doing!

Also, it is looking VERY likely that my niece or nephew will be sharing my birthday month...and MAYBE my actual DAY of birth! I told Joseph and Ana it would be the best birthday present ever!

Our office was without power yesterday, so we did what any normal office without power would do and all went down to Wild Wing for lunch and beverages...and didn't leave until 6:00pm. I had 122oz of beer. It is helpful in the counting process when they bring you beer in 22oz mugs. (plus one 12oz). Needless to say, I had to call Krystal to come and drive some of us home. I also was in bed by 7:00pm, which had me waking up at 2:00am - my body insisting that it was time to get up. Not so body, not so. On the plus side, I slept through any hangover that might have been and feel fantastic today!

Found out this week that THE Kathy Griffin is coming to Savannah on May 28th! I am SUPER stoked about this! Hopefully the ticket prices will be decent AND won't sell out before I capture a couple!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Today is my love's birthday! I can't think of anyone else on this earth that I have loved the way I love this woman!

Happy 26th Birthday my Booskis!!

Friday, February 18, 2011


You are in the presence of bowling greatness!!

For I, your favorite Jessica, has made it to the TOP 6 in the bowling competition!!

Proof: I got a card with my name on it AND a balloon!

Just to get you caught up, I have been entering in a bowling competition for a while now. It was a few months last year up until January where you paid $2 a week and you competed to be in the top 50 bowlers at our bowling ally. Made the skin of my chinny chin chin.

THEN I entered in the next step, Center Finals, which is $10 for two weeks of bowling. Last night was the first bowl and in the first round I made top 6!! I am #5 out of 6!

Tim there is a friend of ours! He bowled like a freakin CHAMP last night! (I have no idea who those other people are)

NOW, if we are successful in staying in the top 6 next week, I believe we win a small bit of cash, THEN we get to go and bowl in the district final in Atlanta! If we win in Atlanta, there is some more cash involved and THEN we get to go to nationals in VEGAS to bowl for $600,000.00!

And when I use the word "we" here I am just sending out good juju to Tim...but it isn't a team thing, it is an individual thing. The individual wins the little bit of monies along the way. (Which, if I win here, is totally going towards buying the league some beers!)

Just think, somewhere in the world, RIGHT NOW, is some Division C 159 average (and under) bowler walking around, they don't know they are lucky yet, but they are going to win that $600,000.00!!!

Wouldn't it be great to win my retirement at amateur bowling??! OR wouldn't it be great to BLOW my retirement in VEGAS!!

Fingers crossed people!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Too Soon

I celebrated too soon. Got news to day that "After a fast start and little initial opposition, the issue of Sunday liquor sales is dead for this year's Georgia legislative session."

SO, still no liquor, wine or beer sales on Sunday. **quietly steps back into 20th Century**

According to the news report, the Republicans are to blame. Hehe...well, ya gotta blame someone for this nonsense.

HOWEVER, as Deb pointed out, we shouldn't complain too much...In Savannah (not all of Georgia) we don't have an open container law (as long as you aren't driving) and you can walk around just about anywhere with your drink in tow.

Kinda ridiculous now that I think about it. So you are going to let us walk around with alcohol, but Lord forbid (and that why the law was put into place...those preachers said the Lord forbade) I purchase from a store on Sunday.

No worries, I will continue to purchase enough on Saturday to last till Sunday. I will continue, on Sundays, to go to restaurants and/or bars that serve food and drink there. OR I can just hop over to South Carolina on Sunday if I REALLY want to purchase my beer for the house.

You know how far behind the curve we are when we don't even have alcohol sales on Sunday...don't even think about civil unions, gay marriage or anything of the sort. Give it 20 more years and maybe we will see something!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

FINALLY! We Have Joined The 21st Century!

I received grand news today:

That's right. In this State of ours we have not been able to purchase alcohol at STORES on Sunday. Who made up this law? Why has it been around so long? WTF? Yes, all of these things are things I have asked all along.

When I lived in the middle of Georgia, if we wanted to drink on Sundays, we had to go to a restaurant. Now that I live in Savannah, which is on the border of South Carolina, if I want to purchase beer from a store (i.e. my case of Miller Lite) on Sunday, I have to drive 30 minutes to get it. And don't think I haven't done that before.

Typically we remember to purchase enough on Saturday to get us through our Sunday, but on occasion we forget OR drink it all on Saturday. Makes for a very sad Sunday.

BUT NOW!!! Sunday alcohol sales in stores! Larkin and I have already decided to have a "We Can Buy Beer on Sunday Like Everyone Else" party! Any excuse, right?

Thank you for sharing in this joyous occasion with me! I will be sure to let you know when it is finally passed into law.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So Glad It Is Tuesday, Cause This is RANDOM!


You guys know, being bloggers and all, that you get some really random comments at times. No, not those ones in Chinese that some spammer sent, but those really, real people that have either taken major offense to something OR are REALLY on board with what you said, so much so that it makes you go, hummm, wonder WTF is wrong with this person.

Well, I do that all the time. But not to YOUR know, only THOSE kinds of people.

So I wrote this post in 2009: "Gaaaahhhhrrrrrahhhhhhh", yes, 2 years ago, and got a comment on it this weekend! I think it was the amazing title that attracted the attention. (You might want to read the post for it to make sense)

Here is what Anonymous commenter said:

-This message is in regards to your Feb 28th, 2009 blog post.

Yeah, the singer didn't work out too well... You shouldn't be so judgemental. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't post a billboard up, because there are plenty of people who do like this music. Perhaps much more than you think. Also, when posting things to the Internet, you should be aware of the potential for it to do harm if a promoter, venue, or potential fans are running searches on the Internet.

I invite you to listen to some recordings the band did about a year ago (without said dude), and hopefully you could at least have an appreciation for how much effort and discipline it takes to produce the music.

Understand that it is hard enough to be a musician in the digital age without articles like this. Do a search on the band, I am sure you will find a lot of stuff. Its fine you write how you feel, but consider removing the band's name from you posting. Is it necessary to call the band by its name?

We have all heard bands we hated, and talked badly of them. That goes away nearly as soon as its heard. To post something on the Internet is making an unlimited amount of potential for the band to miss an opportunity.

The band hasn't been turned down for a show, and lately hasn't needed to go gig finding because its been playing per request. It is possible that a post from two years ago can still do some damage. Please do consider at least removing the band's name from your post.


~A fan


A Fan - thank you for commenting on this long forgotten post.

Can you believe I have only gone to that bar, RIGHT BEHIND MY HOUSE, twice!!? This was one of them, the other time is when I went to see an electronic band called Freezepop - that was a weird one, let me tell ya! I didn't review it immediately, but I did write about how they TOTALLY blew us off when we went to hang out with them in Boston. ( Those Yankees can be so rude sometimes. (Not the baseball team, though my fiancée says they are of Satan. She is a Red Sox fan)

But back to your comment. Again, it is appreciated and I will leave it up for all the world to see. I understand your concern over any bad press that might come to one of your favorite bands, but I won't edit or remove the band's name from the post for the following reasons:

1) It is MY blog. So adequately named, "This Life is MINE". It is for a good reason.

2) The write up I gave the band would NEVER be taken seriously by any REAL promoter. After all, it is from a silly ol blog called "This Life Is Mine".

Dude (or Dudette), that isn't EVEN as awesome as some of the band names I have come up with! "Fleas In The Basement" has been my latest fictional (but one day!!) band name. Just wait till a promoter gets a hold of THAT! "HELLO DETROIT!! We are FLEAS IN THE BASEMENT" **cue roaring applause**

We just recently got Rock Band 3 and named ourselves "The Twat Waffles". Can you believe Playstation 3 will not post "Twat" on the public ranking boards?!? Kids are going to grow up to be pansy's with the way people are forcefully edited these days!

I digress.

3) I knew I would get to this number eventually, and this is SUPER important: any one or any band that puts themselves out in the public eye is free game for public scrutiny. If we didn't have adverse opinions about things then we would all be the same and let's face it, no one wants to listen to Kenny G all day and that is why I am SO glad someone stood up in the 90's and told him to quit molesting that horn and to get some conditioner for that hair of his. Damn it, I did it again...rambling on about shit...oh well, it is MY blog after all.

In sum up, thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to peruse some of my other blog material. Comments make me happy, good or bad, because it means that people actually cared enough to type something in the magical comment box. (Usually that number only gets to a staggering 5 comments)

So to you sir (or madam) - I thank you!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Take Some Time To Read This

Riveting. Sad. True. Reality. Unfathomable.

Those are words that come to mind after reading this story about Julie.

Darcy Padilla has really brought an amazing story to light.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Morning Paper Says...

I could not agree more with our morning paper:

And we ARE glad it is not US!

We had a brief discussion at work this morning at how we are just not prepared for shit like that. One, it is snow. We do not do the snow. We do hurricanes. But even THAT, my household is NOT prepared for. We don't have flashlights, we DO have one candle, but only one, and maybe five cans of Chef Boyardee. We don't have generators or first aid kits or bottles of water.

Actually, when hurricanes ARE brewing off the coast, we usually head down to the beach to watch. Strange how we do that. If the tornado sirens go off...everyone runs outside to see if we can spot the tornado. I am not sure if that makes us stupid or wanna-be meteorologists.

As stated in the previous post, we are basking in a lovely 71 degrees today. I am in least until tonight. Tomorrow's high is 44. A 27 degree drop in a matter of hours. It is unholy. When people say we don't have seasons down here, I always say we have MULTIPLE changes of season...we change from Spring to Winter in one day, then we go to Summer, then Fall the next day and then back to Summer.

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner!!!! Who's excited?!? ME! We are having a BOMBASS block party at work, live band, kegs of Harp, karaoke, catered is the party of the year!! I am SO looking forward to my paid holiday full of drink, food and fun!

Hope everyone has a good day! Stay warm!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Tuesday


Why you bitches up North gotta rain on my parade and send cold ass weather down here?!?

I was enjoying my 4th day of 70 degree weather when I saw Thursday's forecast:

HEY! I know you are freezing up there...but you know it snows up there, dammit! BUT having me nice and toasty in 70 degree weather ONLY to snatch it out from under me in ONE DAY - dropping me 30+ degrees - NOT AWESOME.

Just downright hateful. Guess it is back to the winter closet again...gotta dig out the "BIG" jacket. Hope it is the last time this year. OH! And good luck with your winter event of the decade. It does NOT sound awesome.

Here is a picture of a black dot that is apparently going to form into some sort of walking, talking, living, breathing, adorable pooping machine that will be my niece or nephew:

I can't believe we all start off that way. I can't believe some of the people I know retained the same brain mass from when we were tiny black dots. HA!
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