Wednesday, December 15, 2010

General Ramblings

Last Thursday I totally bowled a 174 AND I got my first Turkey. For those that don't bowl that is when you get three strikes in a row!

ALSO, got my ball!

Awesome, right?!? Incidentally, I didn't bowl the 174 with my new ball, I was just using the house ball. It was a fluke I guess cause I barely broke 100 the rest of the games.

Texts between me and my brother Joseph, who lives in Puerto Rico:

Joe: So I'm here in the store getting some stuff for the car. I look down and there is a bottle of windshield wash that de-ices your windshield.

Me: Interesting! When might ya'll need THAT?

Joe: Well, we had a cold snap down here. I think it hit 80.

Me: Damn! You guys must have been miserable! 22 when I got up this morning. A blazing 44 degrees now.

Joe: Oh, yeah. I had to break out the thick shorts. Almost didn't break a sweat.

I hate him.
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