Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Family Daze

Remember the millions of photos that I told you that Mom took? Well, she sent me some. Of course she sends me the hilarious ones. Out of these photos she is actually having one canvased and framed, wanna guess which one?

Yep, gonna be the second to last one. I didn't know I looked THAT "special" when I laughed hard. Guess I will have a reminder of it every time I visit.

So Mom set up three different cameras at three different heights. Unfortuneatly, none of us knew which camera to look at, which explains the first picture where it appears we are all looking into the heavens (like the angels we are).

In the second one, Mom is doing her best to get back to her chair before the camera started...as you can see, she was unsuccessful. She has multiple photos just like this.

At some point in time, because things were just going so swell, Mom thought she would bring the dogs in. That is Dixie on the left, Slugnut on the right. GOOBERS. Please note that Ana is holding her and Joseph's dog, Skitz. Precious little thing too!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Where In The World...

And here I am!

Still busy as all balls at work, but I shall take this moment I have to post.

This weekend I drove three hours north to visit my family to 1) see youngest brother off to boot camp...he reports tomorrow. Air Force Reserve. 2) My grandmother's birthday...I believe it was number 79, but hell, at this point, who is keeping track! 3) to take pictures because 4) Joseph and his wife Ana were also up visiting.

Mom is under the impression that we won't be taking family pictures ever again now that all of her children are out of the house. I hope the 75,026 pictures she took this weekend suffice until the next time.

In celebration of all children leaving the house my parents are taking a vacation to Mexico.

Upon arriving at the homestead there were the welcome sounds of shotguns, 22's and a Glock 40 caliber. Ahhh, living the country life and having brothers. Half my father's yard is dug up due to the fact that I can't hit a target to save my life and my wrist is sore. I have decided to join a shooting range and take classes. I am pretty decent with a rifle, but me and handguns just can't seem to sync up.

There was plenty more that went on in the one and a half days I was there, but alas, I am out of time already. Parting pictures:

Joseph and Ana

Krystal and Bobz on KK's birthday (happend this weekend too):

Happy 25th La Boo Boo!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Work, sleep, work = Jessica no post and no fun. BORING!

Time to go check what the lottery is up to now...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Goodbye My Love, Hello My New Love!

Thank you Madzarati for 11 years of memories, good times, wonderful driving and being my first. First new car that is. I will always love you and cherish the time we had together. I hope you make your new owner very happy. I really hope they don't sell you for parts cause you had alot of life left in you; you just needed a little tune up.

Hello gorgeous!!

I KNOW! Of all days for it to rain/snow/ice. And in Savannah of all places! Looks like we might be getting up to three inches tonight!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

This Crazy Weather Thing...

So as to not be left out, Georgia has decided to join the rest of the country and we are going to have SNOW!

The Bobz and I were watching the news last night and our local forecast dude said we would be getting snow on Friday night/Saturday morning.

www.weather.com seems to have a different opinion.

The dark green is rain. The light green is snow and rain, the white is...snow. OK, so we are located right below the word Charleston. It is like the snow is fucking with us. I will snow juuuussssttt above you just to fuck with you.

And then the weather:

See, rain all day on Friday at 48 degrees with a low of 31, HOWEVER, on Saturday it is going to be SUNNY, with NO RAIN, but it is going to get down to 29, which, according to my calculations, would make snow, if only it was raining.

It appears, though a long and tough road it has been, that I will be getting my new car tomorrow. Still crossing my fingers. The IRS, on it's website and via telephone, have confirmed that I will be getting my monies tomorrow morning.

I will not hesitate to take her up to see some snow.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hold Me Back...

There are good surprises and bad ones.

Bad one today.

The girl, the sister of my best friend, reneged on purchasing my car this morning. Via Facebook message.

Pretty fucked up, right?

We been discussing this for well over two months, in person and on the phone. I called her BEFORE I went and signed for my new car, and AFTER I signed, to remind her that her purchasing the car was absolutely necessary in order for me to get my new vehicle. She said she understood.

On top of that, we spoke on Monday and she said she would be here this morning. In the beginning of our conversations, I told her I would replace the windshield for her before she picked up the vehicle. She told me that she would be here this morning, therefore, keeping my word, I went out and spent $150 getting the windshield replaced yesterday. And because I wanted to do something nice for her, I also had it detailed and filled it up with a full tank of gas.

I now have to find $2,500.00 in two days. I called the dealership about a trade, but everyone knows you get fucked on those. Don't worry, I fully intend on getting my new car on Friday, but replacing trust and kindness is a little more difficult.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Not Patiently Waiting...

The story of my life the last two weeks is getting a car. The car has been signed for pending my down payment. My down payment is made up of the monies from my current car being sold, which is happening tomorrow and the return of my, um, tax return.

Usually I am not so worried about the monies, but this year I actually have something exciting to put it towards, not that strippers and beer weren't exciting last year, but damn, I can't wait to get behind the wheel of that brand new, silver, 2010 Kia Soul!!

The only other new news is this new keyboard I got for work.

Yeah, that is kinda blurry. This is what it is supposed to look like:

It is the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000. Don't know why it is the 4000, as I do not think it had 3,999 predecessors, but one never knows.

I was in desperate need to have another keyboard as my shoulders, back and wrists were starting to hurt from the massive amount of typing I have been doing lately. My research kept taking me back to split keyboards and this kinda wave design thing. I have to say, I have had no pain at all in my wrists, back or shoulders, but my typing has slowed down. Just takes a little while to get used to. One other hurtle to get past is that all my typing life I have used my left hand to hit the "y" button, which is now impossible to do with this keyboard design. My brain has been tweeking out over that...but I think it is finally starting to learn.

If you know anyone that works for the IRS, please tell them that I really would like to get my car before Friday, but if I have to wait till then I won't die. But I might.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hey Bitches!!!

Sorry so long between posts. I have been under some stress here lately. However, it should all be gone in approximately 10 days. Why you ask? Oh, because I am going to be the new owner of THIS:

2010 Kia Soul +

I am going to sign the paperwork tonight. I am waiting on the almighty American government to hurry up with my tax return so I can put down my down payment; hence the 10 day waiting period.

I may get the car in black, but silver was what was decided on yesterday as that was the color they had in stock that I liked. However, in 10 days they may have a different selection.

As Larkin says, keep your cooter hairs crossed! I am always nervous about these things until the money is exchanged and keys are in hand. Here's to hoping nothing goes wrong between now and that time!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

You Want The Poof?! You Can't Handle The Poof!

This is for Magan, who is one of the cootermongers I work with, as she has been making fun of my Snooki Poof the last few days.

I am pretty sure The Snook has a few inches on me.

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