Tuesday, September 18, 2007


We got home tonight and the crazy back door neighbor (see last blog) had swept up all of the dirt and carried it about 50 yards to our front porch and dumped it all over in front of our door and the stairs.

I called the police. The woman has obviously lost her mind. And we are just two girls living here with no gun...

Anyway, the cop, a big lovely lesbian, came and enjoyed listening to our story...which was rather comical actually...we pretty much laughed through the whole thing...but we did want her to know that this lady was coming into our space here and it wasn't appreciated.

The cop, Ms. Hill, told us we should sweep it up and put it back on the sidewalk. So we did...except we made a really pretty line from our fence post to the street...so as to actually draw the invisible line that seperates the properties via sidewalk. Tomororw morning is going to be hell...the woman will probably try and stab us...I am sure of it.

At least the police will know why.

Also, Officer Hill is coming back by tomorrow to check out what this lady looks like and find out who she is...she seemed pretty amused at the amount of effort it took for this lady to do this...as were we. Except the whole part about her maybe trying to kill us.

OH also in Po-Po news, when Ocifer Hill was driving up there was this REALLY drunk guy getting out of his car...but she didn't actually see him driving, so she couldn't arrest him...BUT when he got out of his car she turned on that really bright spot light thing they have in the front and shone it his way....he was like HEY!!! THAT HURT MY EYES I HOPE YOU KNOW! Yelling at the cop...it was HILARIOUS...she yelled back at him to get his drunk ass inside before she arrested him. He went to his house, but started singing "Land of Cotton" really loudly on the front porch...

This neighborhood is great.

Update in the morning and tomorrow afternoon.

Love you guys!
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