Monday, September 17, 2007

So many crazy people and not enough Prozac to help

Some people think it is hard being ghetto fabulous - but I have to say being poor and white is even worse.

1) We don't know how to fight with our hands…just our mouths

2) Most of us don't have weaves you can tear out

3) I haven't had my nails did in quite some time, so I can't scratch any eyeballs out

So anyway, our next door neighbor, well actually back door neighbor (see Google Earth print out with arrows for directional imagery) is crazy and on crack.

Our confrontational time with her has been since day one.

First day we saw the place she was out on the street fighting someone…fist fighting and slapping and pushing and yelling…ENTERTAINMENT.

The day we moved in she yelled at us for pulling our moving truck onto the sidewalk (you know, to get it out of the street and also make it easier to move stuff through the backyard, through the backdoor and into the house) cause it was in front of her door. Ten minutes MAX to unload the truck…I just don't own that much stuff. She sat on her front porch and stared at us the whole time.

Third run is was when I was taking the trash out to the back ally and she was there washing her hooptie with her kids – I said hi and she instructed her kids not to say anything to me and proceeded to give me the 'eat shit and die you white girl' look.

The fourth time was when Krystal was starting up her motorcycle – pulling it out of the back yard and onto the sidewalk beside our house. She apparently didn't like the fact that it took so long to warm up – not that it is loud, it still has stock pipes and it is also 11:00 in the morning, so it isn't like it is 3:00AM – anyway, she yells at Krystal "HEY!!!!!!!" and then just stares at her until she takes off.

Then there is this morning. After I left she apparently came over to the house, banged on the front door, the windows to our house then sat and rang the door bell ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding until Krystal got up and answered. She wanted to know if we were going to clean up the trash outside of our gate. Krystal said, "What trash?" She said, all that shit outside your gate…come here and look.

Want to know what the trash was? Dirt and leaves. Like what happens when you have a storm and the water drains out from your backyard onto the sidewalk and into the sewers. She wanted us to get a broom and sweep it. Uh. NO.

First of all, WTF?! How retarded can you be? Too much time on our hands from living on welfare and not working is what it is. And that statement is true…she doesn't work at all and these are assisted housing (AKA Section 8 housing) behind us…even though the neighborhood is a pretty nice one…just a few buildings through there are Section 8…anyway, she blessed Krystal out over it. I went over to talk to her at lunch and she wouldn't answer the door…she just yelled "HEY" (as in "Who dat is?") from her balcony. Of course I don't answer to HEY and I am not going to have a conversation yelling up to her…so if she wasn't going to come down and talk then I decided it was time for me to eat lunch. I really hope she doesn't come over again…I don't want to get stabbed or listen to her ghetto ass.

Anyway, dirt on the sidewalk…that would be city property and not something that is too abnormal for a sidewalk to have on it. I have seen worse. Mostly downtown at 3:00am.


I called my landlord to make sure that I wasn't crazy and I need to sweep dirt off the sidewalk or something. She started laughing and told me to scoop up all the dirt I wanted and put it on the sidewalk…vindictive little landlord that one.

She also said that we have every right to have our motorcycles in our backyard and use them whenever we want. Fortunately for everyone we don't usually ride until the weekend and hardly ever after dark…so loud pipes shouldn't be an issue for someone who is sleeping.

NOT TO MENTION all the BOOM BOOOM BOOOOOM that happens when all her menses come and visit and just sit on the street with their stereos up.

Anyway, it is obvious she doesn't like white people and she is trying to start some shit. I believe we are going to pretty much just ignore her cause I really don't feel like getting into it with someone who is crazy. Especially since from the looks of things prison would actually be a nicer place to live. No bills, free cable, free food…

And people wonder why there is still so much discrimination in this day in age…it is cause of crazy people like her that perpetuate the stereotype and do nothing to better themselves, their lives or their character.
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