Wednesday, November 9, 2011

21st Century!

We finally did it! We made it to the 21st century...well, at least as far as alcohol goes. We can FINALLY purchase alcohol on Sundays in package stores.

The State of Georgia had originally brought up a bill that would just allow the entire State to sell on Sundays, but then those good ol Southern Baptists got their holy underwear in a wad and bitched and moaned until the State finally just said that each County would vote on it then.

Know what happened? Like 98.9% of the State of Georgia can now sell alcohol in stores on Sunday now. Know what that means? There are A LOT of Baptist drinkers in the closet.

Here is Chatham County's results for Package Alcohol Sales on Sunday:

Yes 12,532 60%
No 8,464 40%

Now, let us (not to be confused with lettuce) look at Tybee Island's results for Package Alcohol Sales on Sunday:

Yes 1,044 83%
No 211 17%

Bwahahhaha! OK, that might only be funny if you have ever BEEN to Tybee Island. That is the most drinkinest (real word) island I have EVER been on. I have never met a sober person that lived or visited Tybee. (Pronounced Tie-Bee, by the way) And as you can see by the votes, Tybee is a very small island. I am not sure who those 211 people are that were trying to be Debbie Downers, but I am sure they will be hunted down and flogged by the other Tybee locals.

Anyway, back to voting. So, as most of you were doing yesterday, there was a calling for new mayors and city counsel people all across our fair Country. As may be evident by the beginning of this post, the only thing I cared about in this local election was that there was alcohol being sold on Sundays in my grocery store, convenient store and package stores. The people up for election are so uninteresting, even if I was drunk, which is when I find even the most mundane things interesting, I would still be falling out from boredom.

So I just don't take part in it.

Best part of yesterday:

My voting location. A Baptist Church.
If I had time to go home and change into my Miller Lite swag I SO WOULD HAVE.
So I voted for Sunday liquor sales at a Baptist Church. OMG. The irony.
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