Thursday, November 3, 2011

Don't EVER Order from

Seriously, I had to put that in the title so HOPEFULLY that gets picked up by all the search engines. I repeat...NEVER ORDER a Forever Lazy from

And here is why:

First off, I want to say, fair friends, that I am a HUGE fan of the onesie. I don't care who you are, you can seriously lick my ass. Even as 30 year old woman, I LOVE my onesies. I currently own three onesies, cause I know you were wondering. NONE OF THEM ARE FROM FOREVER LAZY.

Anywho, I saw a story for Forever Lazy on a reputable website (CNN of all places) and decided to check into it. The first site I checked did not have a secure website, so I passed. The second one, which is appeared to be what I needed.

After picking my two colors (as the site CLEARLY says buy one, get one free, pay $7.95 shipping) and filling in the information and card information, it takes you through a series of pages with things they want you to add on.

I am not an idiot and I know most of their money is made in shipping and handling by charging said shipping and handling on each added on item, even though they all ship together. This scam has been going on a long time.

What I DID have a problem with was once I got done with a dizzying amount of "add this to your order pages" it just jumped immediately to "Thanks! Your Order is Complete". FOR A GRAND TOTAL OF $91.00!

WHAT THE FUCK?!? NO confirm your order page. NO page that shows what the total is going to be before you hit submit. NOTHING.

On top of that, they didn't give me a buy one get one free, they charged me $29.99 for BOTH onsies and also $15.95 for shipping for BOTH onsies. LIVID.

Total scam. I got taken. That is why I am sharing my shame with you so you won't get taken either.

I called them immediately (Forever Lazy® P.O. Box 3179 Wallingford, CT 06494 Phone: 1-866-684-0473) and OF COURSE they have no record of my order and therefore cannot cancel or edit it. "It hasn't hit their system yet". The answer is to call back BEFORE 24 hours has passed because it will just automatically ship after that. You know when your order posts? About 3:00am. Sometime when you will NOT be near a phone or computer to catch it before it does.

They gave me a website: which they told me would allow me to cancel said order. I checked that motherfucker at LEAST 20 times before 12:00am; nothing. I called FOUR times to see if there was something on their end; nothing.

Actually, I got a hold of one lady that told me my order had been cancelled. I let her know that was fairly impossible as I had not asked for it to be cancelled yet, so I wasn't sure what she was looking at. She was quite insistent that it had and after further pressing, she finally read the name on the order that was cancelled (in February no less) and of course it wasn't mine. She was just looking up orders from my zip code. FUCKTARDS.

So IMMEDIATELY upon waking the next morning (7:30am) I checked the website again. It had posted, but there is NO WHERE on the site that you can edit it.

I immediately called and "Brian" told me there was just nothing he could do because OF COURSE it had "shipped".

Brian: "BUT!! There are two options Miss Jessica! When you receive it you can return it."

Me: "BUT, I don't want to pay that $30.00 in shipping. That is a majority of my complaint"

Brian: "OR I have a second option, I can waive $28.00 of that order and your total will be $60.00"

Me: "FINE"

LET ME TELL YOU, it was NOT fine. I am not FINE with being charged for both. I am not FINE with there not being a total and submit page. I am not FINE with them charging me EXTRA shipping and handling for the two free footies they throw in the order (without my consent). I am not FINE with their OBVIOUS scams.

And the kicker...

Brian: "Miss Jessica, this will be shipping out to you by the end of the week"

Me: "WAIT A SECOND!! I thought you said..." *click*

That's right people, duped again. Fucking thing hadn't shipped yet!!!!!!!!!!! That mother fucker lied his balls off. Actually, they all did. There is no reason in the world that there should be a delay from the time you order. There is no reason in the world they shouldn't be up front about things.


SURE you can go through the process of disputing charges with your bank. SURE you can do a lot of things. But like me, you are probably pretty busy and unfortunately, by the end of the day, it just isn't worth my time to dispute the remaining $60.00. Yes, that is two cases of beer and a 12 pack, but damn. Having already had the run around with the asswipes at Forever Lazy answering service, how many people do you know who want to call their bank and go through it with them? Truth be told, I did call my bank, and they were nice, but can't do anything until AFTER the charge has been charged. THEN I can call back again and make a claim. SO not worth the $60.00.

OK, so kids, lesson here is just to buy all that "As Seen On TV" shit at CVS, Walgreens or Wal-Mart.

P.S. I still love my Snuggie. But Krystal's Mom gave us those.

P.P.S. I will do a review on my Forever Lazy onsies when they come. They better be awesome. $60.00 awesome.
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