Sunday, November 6, 2011

Full Weekend

This weekend was non-stop! Saturday morning Krystal and I got up and headed downtown to see our friends Whitney and Michelle run in The Rock N Roll Marathon. Also running was my boss, his wife and some other people from the firm. This of course was followed by drinking in the firm parking lot immediately following the race. That was at 10:00am.

At about 3:00pm I sat down at one of our local bar spots, as two of our favorite radio personalities were coming into town - Lex and Terry They didn't actually get there until 9:00pm, and I consumed a lot of beer during that time. Apparently, so did Krystal...let's check out how many times it took Drunky McDrunk to get my picture with them...

Try 1.

Try 2.

Try 3.

Try 4.

Try 5.

Fifth time is a charm...and by that point I was giggling so much that my face is all squished and wonky.

I sure wasn't going to ask to re-take this one of she will just have to live with the blurry.

And THEN...on Sunday Krystal decided to rearrange the side of a Dodge Caravan with the front end of my car, stemming from her apparent hatred of green vans driven by pregnant women.

1998 Dodge

Front end of 2010 Kia Soul...

It was a classic case of trusting a blinker. The woman driving the van had her right blinker on, Krystal pulls out a bit and lady keeps going straight. Van lady now has a very long dent with various scratches highlighting the entire passenger side of her van. And they will not be using the passenger side sliding door anytime soon, as it has been temporarily bent shut.

Surely this lady was having pregnancy brain and forgot her blinker was on and surely there is some sort of fault on her there?!? What? No!!?? GAH! What is wrong with laws these days?!

Anyway, I anticipate my damages will be about $300.00, which I will just pay for out of pocket and I am thinking about $3,000.00 in damage to their van. We will see how close I get. Adjuster comes out today.
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