Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Are YOU rich?

I have spent most of my day today trying to find myself missing money.

I know this is just plain silly because I never have any money and I certainly wouldn't have forgotten if someone owed me some money. That's right Landlords of mine on 112 Holts Ave...I haven't forgotten that you never gave me back my security deposit. You owe me $50.

That is a laugh...a security deposit of $50. That was BACK IN THE DAY! These days I am spending upwards of $1200 for a security deposit on top of pet deposits and every other fucking thing they want deposits.

Anyway, I did get around to checking my family for hidden riches. Turns out my Grandfather on my Father's side has some monies. My Grandfather on my Mother's side, his Mom (my Great Grandmother) has some monies unclaimed, an Aunt and an Uncle on Dad's side (His brother and wife) AND my friend Larkin and roommate Bobby both have claims! (Larkin has two, Bobby has three)

THEN there is an attorney in the office that has some monies AS WELL as my bosses Dad, who is a doctor.


All I have to say is FINDERS FEE.
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