Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday is here...

The pollen! My goodness! According to Weatherbug our pollen count is in the high range at 10.6. Whatever 10.6 means. According to the HeathFAQ on that number represents grains per cubic the thousands. SO, I THINK, mathmatically speaking, we have 1,060 grains per cubic meter. Explains why all of our cars, despite the color, are a gross puke yellow. I don't have my camera with me today...otherwise I would show you the Pimp'in Protege, which is black, in all of its pollen-coated glory. I have no idea where that pollen picture came from - it was one of my random pollen image searches on Google, but my god man - look at that hand print! You know what they say about big hands...exactly. Big gloves.

OK, so I have really been enjoying my time here in Savannah. I have to mention one of my favorite places to go and grab some lunch. BUT, before that I must explain that I am so poor these days that we have started going through Krystal's change to eat. I have paid in quarters for food for three days now. Today was a Parker's "The Sicilian" panini. YUM! Parker's is like the mac daddy of ALL convienient stores. You can see from the previous picture, which by the way, is the ACTUAL store I went to today, that it looks very unlike most gas stations. They have freakin EVERYTHING in that store! Like shopping for cool shit to put in your house, to wine, to like a buffet of soul food that is soooooooo good, to cakes and desserts out the ass! I checked this place off as one of my favorite things about Savannah. And there is so much more! Like World Market. I love me some World Market! Dude, the beer selection there is from all over the world - hence, WORLD Market, but anyway, it totally makes my tummy tickle to even walk in the place!

How about some Tybee Island too? Yeah, that has been my Sunday for the past two Sundays...beach, beer, beach, beer, sit, beach, beer.

Now if I just had money...
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