Thursday, March 29, 2007

Good Morning Sunshine!!

This morning, at approximately 8:40AM I noticed that one of my homies was displaying the phenomenal power of his bump in his trunk. At 8:40 in the morning. This bump was SO LOUD that it was vibrating the sink in my bathroom. Since some of you may not know the layout of the house, I will draw it for you. (I had more time to draw this one though)

Anyway, the sink was shaking very violently. I am NOT a morning person.

Bump bu baaa bump bump
Bump bu baaa bummmmp bump

If anyone knows that song, let me know. It would probably sound really great on the system in MY car, just not at 8:40 in the fucking MORNING!

Anyway…let's talk about how important sunscreen is.

Say you skip school and decide to go to the beach to drink and have fun with all your beach loving friends from say, about 11:00am to 5:00pm. It is sunny, 85, not a cloud in the sky. You apply SPF 35 twice. What kind of results to we expect to find; perhaps something to this effect.

Let us have a lesson in sun protection given by someone who is so, so white. (ME)

SPF 35 basically means: You are only protecting your skin from 35% of the suns harmful rays. SO, that means (calculating…) [carry the three, minus one…] 65% of the sun is still making its way to your beautiful creamy skin canvas. OH wait, that is MY creamy canvas and YOUR leathery, nasty lady from There's Something About Mary skin.

Me at the beach: Long sleeve t-shirt, umbrella, hat, sunscreen (SPF 45 or higher) and sun glasses. Except this past weekend when my foot got burnt because, unbeknownst to me, it was hanging outside the shaded area of the umbrella. A little ouchie, but nothing like Miss Thang.

We must remember to always sunscreen our face (especially when wearing sunglasses…raccoon eyes are cute and all…but…) and legs as well. A nice, soothing application of damp towels fresh from the freezer provide some temporary comfort from the raging pain of hell on your skin. (please note my very white knee against Krystal's not-so-white epidermis) (and Monkey-roos! So cute)

So I am gonna go to the beach on Sunday. Sunday is our new beach day…it is going to be beautiful – in the low 80's. I love the beach!
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