Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day!

During our Memorial Day holiday we had that little storm Beryl come visit. Living on the coast (and in Georgia all my life) I have seen tropical storms come and go and one particular, a Tropical Depression called Alberto, which caused a significant amount of flooding damage in 1994. I lived in the middle Georgia area at that time, with my parents, whose house was built into a side of a hill. So envision the front of the house looking normal and when standing in the back, the roof was about a foot off the ground. This was a construction idea of my father when he built the home to help with insulating the house...which was a very great idea, until this flood came. It rained so much that the water soaked so much that it actually came back up under the house taking out the carpet and leaving about a half inch of water throughout the house.

OK, the entire point of that story was to tell you that I fucking love me some hurricane/tropical storm weather. If it ruined the house, not so much, but let me tell you, in 1994, when I was a mere 13 years old, I thought the grand rapids in my front yard was AMAZING. I probably tubed for two days straight. Not sure how I didn't get swept away. Not even sure my parents knew I was doing it, seeing as how they were trying to save the house from complete, I lived.

SO naturally we had a hurricane/Memorial Day party at my friend Christine's house (photos taken in order)

That is me drinking tequila. Margarita to be exact. Me and tequila don't really mix. Don't give me tequila. It doesn't make me sick, but it sure makes me mouthy and inexplicably able to wrestle AND TAKE DOWN people that I should NOT be wrestling OR taking down. (sorry, Larkin. No, wait, not sorry. HA! Took you down beyotch!)

The storm came and went without much damage to the area


And made everything pretty and green!!!

Until the next one!!

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