Friday, June 8, 2012

Saturday Night Shenanigans

So last weekend we all went out to celebrate Whitney's 17th graduation from the Savannah College of Art and Design.

OK, just her second graduation and this time with a Masters Degree making her a masterful Jedi in the art of film making. Don't believe me?! PEEP DIS SHIT:

I totally could have posted sixteen baquintyzillion more photographs, but I think you now understand her Jedi abilities. Beyotch can climb trees and has a fancy blue walkie back the fuck up.

So, in fine fashion we ate our backs out at Wild Wing, wherein we presented Whit with a lovely sugar confection:

Krystal's ninja like photobomb

We attempted to actually spell out Congratulations, but about three seconds into discussing it 1) I dropped one of the A's or something and 2) she graduated from ART SCHOOL...they don't know how to spell! JUST KIDDING. SORT OF. NO, JUST KIDDING. SORT OF.

After getting high on sugar, we decided to make the rounds to the various bars in the area. We met some interesting people that night. All were notable, but we failed to take pictures with them...however, upon reaching our final destination, we had to stand in line for a short while and were able to capture this:

Me and Krystal's interpretation


Going for it...going for it...

Crotch grab success!

And then he left her...

And shortly after he left her, she apparently emptied the contents of her stomach right about where he was sitting. I didn't witness this atrocity, but when I went out to smoke the evidence was clear.

And that was our Saturday Night Shenanigans.

Also, another congratulations to the Whitney aka Whitster aka Dancy McGee Hess on your Master's Degree!!
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