Monday, February 27, 2012

Krystal's 27th Birthday Party

You guys really missed an epic party! It really isn't a party till someone is puking in your yard, peeing in your yard, puking and peeing in your yard at the same time, there is a fire in the pit, arm wrestling in the kitchen and some UFC fighting in your living room.

Of course we had the normal stuff like cornhole and beerpong out too. Can't leave the classics behind!

So Krystal celebrated her 27th birth canal extraction this weekend. Her birthday was last Tuesday, but seeing how that is a school night and all, it is difficult to fit all of the above into a weekday.

Here are some pictures (courtesy of awesome Michelle)

Shannon playing cornhole

Me and Shannon discussing the UFC fighting about to take place (he is a Jiu Jitsu instructor for the military)

Krystal and her monkey drinking hat

Michelle and Larkin

Kyle and Whitney armwrestling

Dis shit right here?!?

Oliver and Whitney

Tess, Oliver and myself discussing the fire

Paul and Larkin

Tyler, master fire builder

All of us admiring Tyler's amazing fire building skills


UFC - Living Room Edition (yes, the inflatable sex toy sheep is still in the living room)

Beer Pong

Whitney farting on Krystal?!?


Top Gun: Larkin Edition

Friday, February 24, 2012

Little Boy With a Horn

This is an adorable picture of my younger brother, Joseph...

I am not lying when I say that kid was just THAT happy ALL the time! He would blow his little horn there and then scream out "YAY!!!!" Which is clearly notable in the picture above. And seriously...look at those cute bowed legs!!!!!! Just want to eat em up! He is still that cute, just without a diaper, bowed legs and he usually wears clothes.

I have a DISTINCT feeling that his son William "Icky" is going to look JUST like him in the very near future.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Savannah's Palm Leaf Roses

My friend Michelle let me borrow her camera today so I could take pictures of some local attorneys (including two from my firm) who are getting together a team to raise some money for the American Diabetes Association.

Don't worry, I am not going to ask you for any money, but working with two people who have had diabetes young and for a long time (Larkin and one of the attorney's here, who was diagnosed when he was two...he is in his 50's now) it is an organization that hits close to home. So, ya know, if you ever wanted to donate to a cause and you were just like, "Humm, I have this extra $10 sitting around, wonder who I should give it to?!?" I would totally suggest the ADA.

Anyway, after taking the attorney's pictures I was waiting for them to finish chit-chatting and I took this photo of one of our street peddlers. All of the guys and gals that make roses out of palm leafs have just gotten out of prison. They are able to purchase a license to sell their goods on the streets and are taught by a local organization how to sell them and make even more creative things. I even saw a lady that had weaved whole baskets...that is pretty impressive.

Just looking at his clothes and watching him for a while, you can see that life has been long and hard. I feel certain that these guys take their earnings for the day and head to the local liquor store, but I would rather them have to work for it than just beg from people.

All the same, I am thankful that I do not have a need to posses the palm leaf rose making skill. I got my karaoke skill and it is powerful. :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Upon randomly discussing, with Larkin, the lack of male escort service in the world, Larkin suggested we come up with one ourselves. I went ahead and wrote the news article for when we got arrested:

Local Secretaries Arrested for Illegal Male Escort Service

Pimptastalicious Larkin and Pimp Hand Strong Squita arrested in the early morning hours, still enjoying a nice, cold Miller Lite and singing the once popular rap song "Shoop" by Salt N Pepa. Both deny any wrong doing and state, "Our service provides a hole in one, poke and run option, which many of our customers prefer over the 15-30 minute standard that happens in most couples bedrooms in America"

On another note, Krystal and I went to our favorite Thai food place on Saturday and got a giggle out of the wrapper that the chop sticks came in.

First one reads, punctuation, capitalization and all (NOTE: we were at a Thai restaurant)

Welcome to Chinese Restaurant.
Please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks the traditional and typical of Chinese glorious history.
and culture.

I was already giggling at the front and then I turned over to the back and the ending of step number three just had me rolling:

"Now you can pick up anything"

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bowling Day

As has been the case for almost two years, we have bowling night on Thursdays. I am not sure I have even called Thursday Thursday for two is just called Bowling Day.

I look forward to bowling day every single week. It is a time when we get to mingle with people we wouldn't normally mingle with. We have made the strangest of friends there who have all walks of life. Lawyers, therapists, car mechanics, engineers, plumbers, car salesmen, is just like everyday life, except everyone comes together at one time to throw a really heavy ball down a slippery lane to knock down semi-cylindrical objects.

This week, we were playing next to a team that had a little boy named Bryant. CUTEST. THING. EVER! He had a black eye, cuts and scrapes all about - PURE BOY. Before you think his parents beat him, we saw him get the black eye last week. Face plant right into the side of one of the tables. Which are bolted to the ground. They really aren't very forgiving, even for a kid's face.

These photos are from Michelle taken with her fancy new iPhone using the Hipstamatic app.

Bryant doing his karate chop move to Krystal


Some goofy ass person that wouldn't stand still for a photo.

Krystal obviously intrigued by my amazing bowling skills. All 100 points of it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Morning Routine

When driving to work in the morning I share the pain, that many people do, of traffic and really long red lights. While waiting this morning, at a particularly long red light, I noticed this:

Let me zoom that for you:

Ah, yes, that says:


I would appreciate Subway not fucking with my mind as I had to contemplate if they meant to spell February wrong for about 5 minutes, which is (in)conveniently the time it takes to get that traffic light to change.

I could remember when I started spelling that the first "R" in February kinda snuck up on ya, but that last one was pretty fucking hard to miss. AND then I remembered that Subway is doing that ANY foot long promotion thing and decided that they aren't really THAT dumb.

Pronouncing Bighot Pastrami out loud, as I was doing all alone in my vehicle, makes for bigot pastromi, which I shall take no part in. No bigoted pastrami will ever come near MY mouth...but anything big and hot can. Oh yes...THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!

So all in all, my visit to the DeRenne/White Bluff intersection was filled with much contemplation. Can't say the same for the rest of the day!

Hope your Wednesday is going well!!!
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