Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year! Again!

This new Blogger layout is tripping me out. I can't find shit. But that always happens when something changes and then after you use the "new" way a few times you completely forget about how the old way was. 

 Anyway, you know how people say, "Damn, no wonder I am sick...this weather..." and it is a pretty common misconception that the weather causes you to get sick. I guess it is sorta kinda true...really, the weather is just a conduit for disease. Some bacteria/virus grows better in the cold/heat, whatever. So anyway, even though I know the weather itself doesn't make me sick, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE.

You see that there?!? 24 degrees and in three days we will be back up to 72 degrees. My theory is that our viruses and bacteria can't figure out where to thrive, so they double up and we get the ones that thrive in cold AND in heat.

So yeah, we are pretty much done for. I JUST got over strep throat and that head/chest cold thing where you sound like a Waffle House waitress for a couple weeks. Waffle House waitress also can translate into Old Trucker Who Has Smoked for 20 Years. They both sound the same and I was sounding pretty righteous myself.

Christmas was good. The New Year was unproductive. Krystal and I made a fire in her bad ass fire pit she built a couple weeks ago.

Have I mentioned brother Joseph and wife are going to be stationed at Tybee in June? Did I mention he found a house that is one street over from me? Did I mention I am ECSTATIC about this news?!?!?

In other news, this is what I paid for gas two weeks ago:

Thank you Kroger Plus card! I am now back to paying $3.18 a gallon, but that one fill up was totally great.

I decided to cash in my Wal-Mart/Sam's gift cards from my birthday and Christmas. This resulted in 101 rolls of toilet paper from Sam's. Also, five toothpastes, eight toothbrushes, a GIGANTIC bottle of shampoo and about thirty rolls of paper towels. There is nothing in this world I hate more than buying those items...so I decided to take care of toothpaste and toothbrushes for a year and a half, shampoo should be good for at least a year and as far as toilet paper and paper towels, I expect that will only last us a week and a half. LOL!

Have a wonderful day today!!!
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