Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Asian Dragon Tattoos - Unleash Your Dragon

What you should know before you get any Asian dragon tattoos:

A brief overview to help you make a better guided decision when it comes to choosing your design.

Dragons have long been important figures in Asian culture. The most commonly known Asian dragons include those from Japan and China, Korea, and Indonesia. Differences among the Asian dragons are minor. For example, Japanese dragons traditionally have five claws, where as in Chinese culture five clawed dragons were reserved for emperors, with four claws being the norm. Personally, my favourite are the Japanese dragons. I like them because of their long "whiskers" and jewel on their chin.

Asian dragons are distinct from their Western counterparts in that in Western culture they are viewed as pure evil whereas in Asian culture they are connected to the emperors and imperial families and are highly respected creatures.

Asian Dragon Tattoos are very popular today due to their rich diversity in design and meaning. These creatures can symbolize guardianship, freedom, wisdom, and empowerment. A unique idea is having a design in which the dragon is breathing out a flame which spells a lovers name or initials, or something similar. In this case, the dragon represents the "fire within", which could symbolize a burning passion for someone or something.

Common locations for Asian dragon tattoos include the full back and upper arm. Upper arm designs usually consist of the dragon wrapping around the arm, with its head extending onto the chest or back. These tattoos are excellent for wrapping around curves and flattering natural body contours.

Star Tattoo Designs - The Meaning of Star Tattoos and Why You Should Get One

Star tattoos designs
Star tattoos designs are one of the most common types of tattoo that people search for and select because of the variation in designs. But why are star tattoos so appealing to many people? A star is such a simple shape but yet so meaningful. When people think of stars, they envision hope, dreams and wishes. Stars also represents fame and success hence the reason why celebrities are referred to as stars. Even fictional characters like Mario are always in the search for stars in the galaxy. Stars always hold a positive image in our mind which is why we tend to idolize them. Even in dreams, it symbolizes success, your ideals and aspirations. Besides these general meanings, people get tattoos of a star because it represents an important changing point in their life. It could remind them of a person that greatly influences and are an important figure in their life.
Unique Star tattoos

The star is also a common type of tattoo because people like them for the versatility of the design. It can range from something as simple as a single star on the wrist, to a series of stars on a shoulder blade. The designs can even be as complex as incorporating a design within the edges of the shape such as a flag. Even though a lot of people have star tattoos, it is still appealing to them considering that no design is ever the same unless you choose a star tattoo design from a tattoo parlor that is available to the public. But nonetheless, each star that is permanently inked onto your skin holds a different story and meaning that is personal to you.

Generally when people think of stars, they correlate the figure with women, but that is not always the case. There are plenty of men out there that have multiple tattoos of stars including celebrities like Bruce Willis and Nick Carter. But not only that, star tattoos have the capability of looking nice on any part of the body, which is also another reason as to why male and females get them regardless of the meaning. It can also be easily hidden depending on the size and position of the tattoo. But whatever the reason is for someone to get a tattoo, all that matters is if the star tattoo design they chose represent and is meaningful to them.
Beautiful Star tattoos

Ghetto or Not to Ghetto

I am helping Larkin virtually look for potential houses to move in to and because I haven't lived in Savannah for very long (just shy of 5 years) I have not acquainted myself with ALL of the ghetto parts of it.

I was just about to ask her about a location I found (what looked to be) a nice house and if the location was good or not and thanks to Google maps, my question was answered: (click if needed)

Thank you Google Maps...you are once again my hero.

Monday, November 29, 2010

And the Verdict IS...

No one died. No one stroked out! So I am guessing that is a somewhat successful coming out!

Stressful nonetheless.

I am pretty sure 10 years from now this will all be one of those funny stories we tell!

I had no idea how this was all going to go down. It is near impossible to get my parents in the same room together and I sure as hell didn’t want to have to do this thing twice!

My trip back home started late on Wednesday. Due to a trial that was taking place on Monday and in preparing for that fiasco was not able to get out of work early. I arrived at the parents abode to find my Dad reading in bed. We had some chat about things, one of them being the new news (to me) that my youngest brother Jacob had been kicked out of the house.

Mom had decided to spend the night at her mother’s house to help with Thanksgiving preparations, so I went to bed, awaking the next morning to a lovely cup of coffee Dad had made me and put on my nightstand. Best. Father. EVER.

I made my way to Dunkin Donuts to holla at a chicken, egg and cheese on a croissant and also to bide my time to buy beer. It was 10:30 in the morning. In Savannah that is another way of saying “It’s 5:00 somewhere”, but in middle Georgia…eh. So, I drive to the liquor store and they were closed. On Thanksgiving. Why you ask? Because in that small po-dunk town you can’t sell liquor on holidays. WHAT!??! So I went next door to the convenient store to the nice Indian people and got me a six pack of Miller Lite.

I headed over to my grandmother’s house to see what I could help with, we gathered, mingled, watched movies and ate. We had all driven different cars and I knew then that there was no way I was going to get to talk to them Thursday night…too many people in too many different directions, so I decided to go ahead and go visit some other family members…which also involved me getting more beer. I learned that the property my family currently lives on used to house a shit ton of pot. But that is another story.

I got home late on Thursday night and Friday’s plan was for me and Mom to get up and go and get some coffee and watch all the crazy shopping people. We weren’t going to go at 4:00am or anything, but we wanted to at least see the last of them. I woke up at 8:50am and didn’t hear Mom, so I re-heated my coffee (day number two of coffee on my nightstand when I awake, Dads are great!) and played on the computer a little bit. I stick my head back out again, still no sound from Mom, so I decide get in the shower. Finally at about 10:30am I figured she had slept enough and went into her room. There she was, wide awake, waiting on ME the whole time. She thought I had a late night and needed to sleep it off and I was thinking she was REALLY over doing it on this late sleeping thing. In sum up, we were waiting on each other and completely missed the shopper people, so we just went back over to my grandparents house to watch more movies and hang out.

So all this time I am thinking Dad is gonna come over to my grandparents house and then, surely, we would all get home together and THEN we could talk. Nope. Dad never shows up. And by the time we get home, he is asleep, but has mentioned to Mom that we need to get up at 7:30am because he is going to do a little pick’in and grin’in with his cousin and he would like us to come.

So I get up EXTRA early, get my coffee in me…prepare myself AGAIN to have this discussion (each day I had prepared myself for various moments in time, having slight panic attacks each time only to be disappointed when I couldn’t pin them down) and as soon as I get comfortable on the couch, Dad shoots up from his chair and says he has to go get his haircut.

I am feeling pretty sure someone/something is just fucking with me at this point in time.

So Dad goes and gets his haircut, Mom gets up, gets some rounds of coffee in and then we all get in the car to head to BFE where this gig is going to take place. 45 minutes one way with my parents. I decided that it probably wasn’t the best time to break the news. After all, seatbelts can only do so much and we were going at least 75 on the interstate. I feel certain an accident at the speed is going to hurt no matter what.

So I sit through the gig, which was spectacular, I absolutely LOVE hearing my Dad play his guitar and sing, and we all head back 45 minutes to their house.

We get in the door and Dad moseys on to the bedroom to put up his guitar, I start to sweat and pace the house, Mom goes to sit on the couch, so I start to make my way over to sit and right about the time I sit down she dramatically pops up again needing to go and do something, so I dramatically stand up and start pacing again. Of course, no one is actually noticing this all going on, I was just keenly aware of how slow time was passing because of this crucial moment in my life that was about to take place.

FINALLY, everyone sits down and I just BLURT it out. Ihavesomethingtotalktoyouabout. I am gay. You knew that right? RIGHT?! You guys knew??! RIGHT! ::blank stares:: Well, ok, well, you know, Krystal and I have been together for 5 years and I have known since I was 15, but it has been a difficult journey for me and I am sorry it took until I was 29 years old to tell you.

(they did have an inclination that I was gay)

And then there was a lot more blubbering by me, not to mention I had started to twitch involuntarily and was cold and sweating at the same time. And also shaking. As my friend Whitney says, “I was shaking like a newborn baby deer”.

There were some tears from mom, coupled with a few statements I wish hadn’t come out, but I do understand are part of the process.

“Well, I still don’t think you are gay.”

“Well, if that is how you CHOOSE to live your life”

I let her know this was going to be a process for her, just as it was for me, and that I would be more than happy to help her through it and also answer any questions she had.

She also asked me HOW I knew. Boy, that is a tough one to explain. I mean, how do you explain being heterosexual? All the same, I have some books I am going to pass on to her (she likes to read) and I think that can start helping with the coping process.

Dad said he didn’t need no stinkin book, he totally gets it. After mentioning to both of them that I was afraid I was going to disappoint them, Dad turned to me and said (in his strong southern accent), “Baby, I’ve known disappointment, and you ain’t it.” (I know, tears, right!) And that was all he said and all he had to say.

Mom cried a lot, which made me cry a lot, which I did NOT want to do, but it is pretty much impossible to hold in tears when you see any family member cry. I wasn’t sure if she was hurting or sad or what the hell was going on, but I was tearing right there with her.

In the end we all hugged for a very long time…almost too long and uncomfortable for me…and then Dad, in his oh-so-dad-way says, “I’m hungry, ya’ll want some Mexican food!? Let’s go eat some Mexican!”

Mom just sat there and cried some more and said she was going to pass on the Mexican and I told Dad I actually needed to get on the road anyway. God love him. He processes things so well. It was like that life changing moment for me was just as easy as deciding what to eat at Mexican food…and I LOVE that about him. He doesn’t dwell or make it any more or less than it has to be. He sits, hears what is going on, processes and moves on.

Mom on the other hand is going to go through some anger, more tears, and questions, probably send me at least two more texts about cute (male) engineers at her work place and THEN it will finally start to kick in that this is how it is, how it has been and will always be.

I didn’t tell them about the engagement. I thought that might be a bit too much at one time.

Remember me mentioning that Jacob had been kicked out of the house? He is living with my Dad’s cousin’s daughter. And they are dating. INCEST. SEE! I am not the fuck up in this family AFTER all!

Tattoo Horse and Women on Women Arm

Tattoo Horse and Women on Women Arm Tattoo with pictured woman a lot of is hankered at arm or other body part. to invite others interests to see body tattoo...

Design Animal Tattoo on Women Back

Design Animal Tattoo on Women BackWoman blonding to point out animal head tattoo on hinder behind ....

Cute Women with Tattoo Back

Cute Women with Tattoo BackTattoo hindering to adorn woman body on Cute Women with Tattoo Back....

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mehndi Body Art Tattoos

Mehndi - also called henna tattoos - is a type of body art that gained popularity in the West during the 1990s. The name henna tattoos is a little misleading as this type of body art tattoo is not permanently inked into the skin as it is done with the traditional type of tattoo, but is a temporary form of body art that done using a dye that is derived from the henna plant which is native to the desert regions of the Middle East, Africa, and India.

While Mehndi body art has been traditionally used for special occasions such as festivals and weddings, many individuals are now creating their own unique style of body art tattoos that represent various things such as their religion, a significant event in their lives, or various other types of symbolism.

Mehndi tattoos can also be applied by a professional who specializes in the art of Mehndi tattooing; however, many individuals have learned how to apply their own tattoos with their very own creative designs. Traditional Mehndi designs include geometrical shapes, floral patterns, and intricate designs created out of fine lines and are typically tattooed on the hands or feet, however, any type of design can be created and applied anywhere on the body.

Body Art Tattoos

Body Art Tattoos are catching on like a new fad among younger people today. Celebrities, Rock Stars, and Sports heroes are sporting more visible Tattoos now than any other cultural icon save the Military. Changing your personal body image with Piercings and Tattoos has become so commonplace as to loose the social stigma that had once been placed upon such body art by society. No longer seen to be a negative image only found on sailors and natives of third world countries.

A quality Tattoo Finder can mean the difference between seeing boat loads of generic, cookie cutter designs and seeing fresh, high quality, unique Tattoo Designs. I have witnessed many people sift through cookie cutter designs so numerous as to be the only wallpaper in a studio. Poster displays hanging from every wall showing the same images found in every other studio with a few personal designs from the Tattooist mixed in to show variety. Changing your body image with a Body Art Tattoo should be a unique and personal experience to be thought out over the course of a few weeks to months. A Body Art Tattoo may well be with your body 5000 years from now and should reflect who you are and not just "I'll take that one".

Body Art Tattoos are much more than just a way to rebel against society, your family or whomever you you feel is oppressing you. Body Art Tattoos should be something that people meticulously plan for not simply rushed into.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Body With a Sexy Tattoo Design

Full Body With a Sexy Tattoo DesignTattoos, which are largely popular today can be an accessory to spice up one's looks. Women, in particular, are often closely associated with sexy tattoo designs. These designs are tattooed in various parts of the body - some exposed to the public eye while other sexy tat designs are tattooed discreetly in parts that remain shielded from the prying eyes.

The options are aplenty where sexy tat designs are concerned. Still, the crop of women tend to largely associate tat designs that are colored with sexiness. For instance, a large rose tattoo with bright red colors on its petals, green for its leaves and brown/black for its stem/thorns is widely regarded as sexy. Having mentioned that, where sexy tattoo designs are concerned, many have the notion that apart from the designs in itself, the placement of these tattoos in itself are equally important.

As we mentioned earlier, sexy tattoos that are tattooed on different parts of the body will give out different messages or different levels of sexiness for that matter. As an example, women who choose to get tattoos on their breast and chest are are said to be romantic. On the other hand, tattoos that are done on the more intimate areas of the woman's body such as the inner thigh is said to ooze high in the level of sexiness. The reason for this is, as we mentioned early in the article, rarely seen by most people other than those that have c close, intimate and sexy relationship.

What this means is the issue of sexy tat designs is largely debatable and one that largely depends on the individual getting the tattoo. It comes down to the choice of whether the bearer intends the sexy tat design to be appreciated by the public or reserved for a special someone.

In addition, as sexy tat designs becomes increasingly popular and complement a host of different popular fashion, style and trends, more women are getting these tattoos to go with their hair, top, handbag and other fashionable accessories. With that in mind, an experience tattoo artist will be able to give suggestions and recommendations regarding the perfect sexy tattoo designs to obtain in order to complement a specific fashion, style or/and trend that is currently hot.

The above is only a guide for you to get your sexy tattoo designs that would suit you most. Getting the perfect sexy tattoo design will accentuate your body features and can make you look sexier than you would otherwise be without them.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Breathe In, GET OUT.

Everytime I sit down to write this post I get all anxious and just can't do it. SO I am going to make this quick.

I am not out to my family. It has been entirely too many years and avoiding confrontation is my second favorite thing. Mexican food being my first, of course.

I plan on doing the deed after Thanksgiving activities are over. Not the day of Thanksgiving or maybe even the day after...just the day when all the eating has ceased and it is time for me to go back to Savannah.

What has really brought me to this point is the engagement and therapy.

The main issue is that I have had since I was 15 to get used to all of this. I can only assume that my parents have a clue, oh, there are just too many clues, but we have never had the "official talk". Mom, still, on occasion, texts me about "a cute engineer in her office that is around my age...ohhh" I just ignore the texts.

Krystal and I have been in a serious relationship for almost 5 years now...what can I say, I am chicken shit. I am not quite sure of what. I don't depend on them to live, I haven't actually lived with them since I was 17 years old, I don't even see them but twice a year, I live three hours away, there is no major inheritance I am worried about.

It all comes down to just being a disappointment to someone. It is that same feeling like when you are watching TV and someone is crying so hard, in such pain, that you cry for them. I don't want to be that pain.

Of course I am imagining worst case scenario. For all I know they could be all like, "Oh, yeah, we totally knew that when you were five! What other kid would want G.I. Joe toys for Christmas!"

My going-to-be-30-next-year adult mind says that, logically, they will be upset with the loss of THEIR dreams and the way THEY had envisioned things going for me. I hope to help them the best way I can to let them know that those dreams aren't gone, just going to be dreaming to a beat of a different drum.

I am a relatively controlled person. I am OK with surprises or going off the beaten path every now and then, but for the most part, my life is pretty calculated, I have a good idea of what the next step is. In this situation, I am not even sure I can get my parents in the same room, at the same time. It makes it difficult to play out situations and what to do. DAMN YOU UNIVERSE FOR NOT LETTING ME HAVE CONTROL!!

Alright, well, before I throw myself into a complete panic attack, please just keep me in your thoughts. I will keep my Xanax close by and let's cross our fingers all goes well!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Flower and Vine Tattoo Designs - Ideas For Trendy Tattoos

Back Flower and Vine Tattoo DesignsFlower and vine tattoo designs can be both edgy and delicate depending on the person sporting it and how the artist tattooed it. This is a favorite combination among girls and women alike because of its versatility plus the trendy and stylish image it can add to one's personality.

Flowers and vine tattoos look good on almost any part of the body. They can be executed in any size, length, shape, or color combination depending on the placement that one chooses. The most popular style done for this type of tat theme is the tribal bracelet type usually wrapped around the ankle, wrist or arms.

Of course, you do not always have to confined yourself on what's known as the normal trend. It would be better if you can come up with an original and unique style of your own. Here are some suggestions where you can draw up some ideas:

*A creeping vine combined with a flower of your choice that starts at the ankle and works its way up the calf

*A large vine blended with your favorite flower that starts from your hip area all the way to your rib cage.

*A small vine and flower combination inked symmetrically on top of your foot .

*A vine and flower tattooed horizontally on your lower stomach

These are just some great ideas to inspire you. You can Google photos online to and you'll find everything from full body flower and vine tattoos to simple floral vines that encircle wrists. Once you have an idea in mind, you can ask the help of your tattoo artist and he can always do a freehand or custom design for you.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture

Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture 1Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture 1

Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture 2Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture 2

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Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture 5Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture 5

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Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture 7Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture 7

How to Choose an Arm Tattoo

How to Choose an Arm TattooTattoos have been becoming increasingly popular over the last few decades. The idea of getting a tattoo was not obsolete before that time, it was just geared more towards the male population. Now it seems a great percentage of individuals at one point in their life or another have considered the possibility of getting a tattoo. That percentage includes a decent amount of men, but also a decent amount of women too. Of course you can get a tattoo pretty much anywhere on the body that you would like. Even in some places that are both private and unmentionable. One of the most popular places to get a tattoo is and will most likely always be on the arm. Arm tattoos have been gotten by both men and women, and in a variety of styles and variations. If you are interested in getting an arm tattoo, these helpful suggestions may make the process a bit easier.

Before heading into a local tattoo parlor, it is imperative to get some sort of idea what you would like your arm tattoo to look like. Check out magazines for ideas. If you are artistic than make a sketch, take a photograph, bring a photograph with you, look at other tattoos, just to be able to narrow down your ideas. If you enter a tattoo shop and see hundreds of designs which usually encompass the walls and you don't have an idea, you will probably become totally overwhelmed. This may result in you possibly getting an arm tattoo that you don't particular like. It is always the best idea to enter a tattoo shop with a particular idea in mind. The tattoo artist can then work with you to possibly add or make changes to your idea so you will have your dream tattoo. Don't hesitate to do a little research online too. There are websites that show different tattoos and how they look after they were completed. Often you can get a glimpse of how a tattoo may look on your arm after seeing it on someone else's arm first. A tattoo is permanent, so take this decision seriously.

Another factor when getting a new arm tattoo, is the shop and the tattoo artists. Most tattoo shops have a few artists available, and they all have different degrees of experience. Some do more portraits, others abstracts, and others may be just apprentices. Before the first prick of the needle hits your arm, make sure that you ask questions. You want to know how long someone has been tattooing, what their specialty is, and even request to see pictures of prior work. Don't allow them to lead you in a room where everyone's tattoo work is displayed. You want to see work that they did, not the entire shop. If the answers to the questions and the photographs of the prior work do not look up to your standards, ask for someone else. Not only are arm tattoos not inexpensive, but they are as stated above permanent.

Getting a tattoo on your arm or anywhere on your body is a commitment. This is something that must be taken extremely seriously and maturely. Too many individuals are walking around with tattoos that they regret. It doesn't have to be that way. If you do a bit of due diligence, your tattoo does not have to be classified as a regret. It is something that can be shown proudly, and is a piece of you. Many times a tattoo is completed, others who are close to you look at the design and know exactly why you chose it. This is when you know you made the right decision. Do your research. Decide what you want your arm tattoo to signify, and find the perfect artist to do it for you. After it is done, you will never regret your reasons why you did it, or what it means. You'll absolutely love it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Simple Beauty of the Jesus Cross Tattoo

Simple Beauty of the Jesus Cross Tattoo The simplistic beauty of the Jesus cross tattoo is why it is so popular among diverse groups of people. It is not the strictly devout Christians who always request the Jesus cross tattoo, it is represented across all lines of ink lovers everywhere. The Jesus cross tattoo is a beautiful symbol of the faith in the belief that Jesus was crucified and was victorious over physical death, and spiritual death.

There are many variations of the traditional Latin theme of these tattoos; one is the depiction of the cross with the body of Christ. Another is an empty wooden cross, showing the resurrection. While the traditional empty cross tattoo can be embellished with a draped cloth over the cross beams, usually purple in color to represent the Royal Line of David, it is more often seen with a draped crown of thorns, and bent nails. These crosses are traditionally done with black ink, except when the purple drape is included.

People from the British Isles, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland combine their Celtic culture with the tattoo of cross symbolism, and use it as a means to elaborate on the Celtic theme. With their addition of swirls, geometric patterns, and even faeries featuring bright colors of the forest; these Jesus cross tats can add beauty to a bare cross inked image.

The Jesus cross tattoo is also appearing on tattoo lovers as a way to memorialize a deceased family member or friend. The traditional cross will have dates, and names added, as well as depictions of wreaths and flowers. This is a very fine way to remember someone always, and never forget their love or their life.
Military men and women are also using their version of the Jesus cross tats to remember lost compatriots, with a cross tat with hanging dog-tags draped over the crossbeam. The perfect, classic way to always remember a fallen ones sacrifice.

While the styles and preferences for Jesus with cross tats change over the years, the application of them remains a constant among tattoo lovers, and they are a favorite of tattoo artist. The simple beauty of a cross tats allows for intricate details to be added. An artist gets to add his own flair to any tattoo, and when he is asked to design a this kind of tattoo for a special remembrances event, he or she pulls out all the stops to deliver the best Jesus cross tattoo they can.

Tattoo Art Gallery

more tattoo picturesIf you are very interested in getting a tattoo, then please, Please, PLEASE shop around! Every tattoo artist has his or her own personal tattoo art gallery in the form of pictures that they have take of their past tattoo designs. Nowadays, many tattoo artists have actually taken art classes, and are very good at what they do. I personally had a tattooist who had recently graduated from The Art Institute of Chicago. His artwork, on paper as well as on skin, was phenomenal! I have heard that this artist moved to Tijuana, and opened an excellent tattoo studio. Of all places, he is probably kept busy by the many eighteen-year-old party teens - newly graduated and looking to enhance their party experiences!

Not all tattoo artists are going to have the credentials that mine had, but that should not stop you from looking at others. There are many self-taught, talented tattoo artists - you just need to shop around for them. Oh, a quick word to the wise: Tattoo artists generally will NOT work on a person if he or she is drunk. (Even though many weird tattoo stories seem to start with, "Well, I was drunk one night, and I . . .") Some inexperienced people may believe that dulling the senses with alcohol will help the tattooing procedure less painful. However, alcohol thins the blood, making you bleed more while the artist is working. Yes, he or she is poking you with a needle, so, yes -- you will bleed!

Some bleeding is normal, however, bleeding a lot (like when drunk) can potentially hide the tattoo as it is being worked. Therefore, you may end up with a tattoo that does not meet good quality standards, simply because your bleeding distorted the tattooist's view! (Yes, it would be YOUR fault - not the tattooist!) as far as adventurous tattoos go, I happened to come across one such tattoo at a motorcycle rally in Kankakee, IL. One of the many shirtless, tattooed men had come up to have a conversation with my stepfather. I happened to look at the man's chest, and found a very unusual tattoo. On his left upper chest area, there was a tattoo of a very voluptuous woman "riding" on the back of a serpent.

One of her breasts were tattooed around the man's nipple, thereby making it look like both he and the girl shared that particular body part. He had accented it, by piercing his "shared" nipple! It was funny, inventive, and made you smile. At the very least, it was one of the most memorable and intriguing tattoos I had seen in my lifetime! Just as you would want to find a doctor to suit your ills; a chiropractor to take care of your aches and pains; or even a dentist to take care of those cavities -- so should you find a suitably experienced tattooist! Some actually have more experience with one style of tattoo or another, so finding the one that will do the best job, will make you feel better about you tattoo in the end

It's Long, but He's Short

Hello ladies and pimps! In grand news today, I must share that this no good punk ass bully of a miniature man was arrested last night:

Birth Date: 03/05/1968
Race: H Sex: M
Arrest Date: 11/10/2010 at 0020
Arrest #:
Bond: $4,600.00

You probably don't know who that is, but that is OK, cause it is my fault for not telling you in a timely manner.

The church that we live behind has a parking lot that butts up to our house. In years past it has not been a problem that we have parked there, however, they have requested, due to the fact that they have a daycare center that has opened within the church, that we not park there. They even put up new "WE WILL TOW YOUR ASS!" signs. Just kidding about the "YOUR ASS" part; it is just a generic sign that says you get towed if you park there.

On street parking is a little scarce. On one side of the street you can fit about 4 cars, BUT two of those parking spots are for an elderly couple and are designated handicap. On the OTHER side of the street you can probably fit around 5 cars. The problem is, there are five people that live in our complex (two girls upstairs, us three downstairs)who drive five different cars and that isn't even taking into consideration the surrounding houses.

So punkaroni up there has been doing maintenance, painting and such, and is apparently allowed to stay there while doing said things until the home is rented out. About a month ago, KK and I were coming home from working job #2 and she was parking in the street and ended up in front of the house this guy is staying at.

I should probably also mention that this house that we are parking in front of got busted by the DEA. (Blogged about it here) The landlord apparently has a problem renting to forms of life that have any good qualities.

He yells over to her when she is getting out, "Excuse me...do you have PERMISSION to park in front of MY house?" To which she replied, "Um, this is a public street, you can park anywhere." He then stated, "Just leave it there and SEE if is there in the morning!" We then pointed out that he doesn't even OWN a car (he rides this ghetto ass blue and gold bicycle) He said it didn't matter if he owned a car or not, we couldn't park in front of HIS house anymore. Then he hopped on his bike and started to ride off, all the while yelling, "You done messed with the wrong nigga this time!! You done messed with the wrong nigga THIS time!!"

Sadly, it is quite apparent that he is NOT black. As Larkin pointed out, dirty Mexican perhaps, but actually he is just a mini Puerto Rican.

After such threats I decided to call the number on the "For Rent" sign. This lady answers and I ask her if she is the owner of the home on ____ street, she affirms, so I let her know that her current tenant has now threatened us for parking in front of HIS house and I wanted to know if it would be possible to set up a meeting with her face to face so I could explain the things that are going on in her rental property.

Turns out she is in FUCKING CALIFORNIA. I went on to explain that he was not the only one living in the house and he was also dealing drugs, OBVIOUSLY dealing drugs, right out of the house. We see no less than 15 people come in and out of the house on a daily basis. She says, and I quote, "Ohhh, he normally isn't like that. Hummm, I will talk to him"

WHAT!!? Is he 3 years old?!? NO MA'AM. Don't you fucking "talk to him". While you are over there in California doing whateverthefuckyoudo, I am sitting here be threatened by Shorty McEse about parking in front of a house he doesn't even own on a street that he doesn't own...do you REALLY think he is going to listen to you?!? Do you really think that he isn't going to try and do something to US?!? RIGHT.

So fast forward to last night (thanks so much for reading this far) and we hear a ruckus outside. Of COURSE it is him, yelling threats down the street at some unknown person. I mean SCREAMING, yelling. Same stuff..."You wanna mess with me?!? You want some nigga?!?" And so we took that PRIME opportunity to call the police. We just let them know, anonymously, that there were people on the street threatening each other.

They sent over people IMMEDIATELY. TWO cars. They NEVER send TWO! So Krystal and I watch from the laundry room, while drinking our Miller Lite. We then notice that one of the police officers is our friend Barry! Naturally, I call him and tell him we are looking out the window and that I PROMISE there are drugs in the house and if they can get any reason at all to get that fucker out of the neighborhood that would be great. He said that he got his name and they were waiting on the landlord to call back, but in the meantime he was going to drive around the corner and watch the house from afar.

SURE ENOUGH, another person comes up to the house to buy drugs...but punkass waves him away hurriedly...I am still on the phone with Barry at this point and said, "See that guy that is walking there...he just went up to the house to buy drugs and they waved him away...now he is going to walk down the street a little and a car is going to pick him up" And BOOM, just like clockwork, here comes the pick up car. We do watch this happen on a pretty regular basis.

Barry zooms up behind them and runs their tag and shit and they are clean, so he can't pull them over, however, he takes this moment to run fuckface and LOW AND FUCKING BEHOLD he has a warrant! Barry zooms (I am sure he wouldn't appreciate me referring to his awesome police speeding skills as "zooming") back over to the house and arrests him. YAY!

I have a feeling this isn't the end of the story and if he even remotely thinks that we called the cops on him then he is going to probably make our lives hell.

The gun is on the nightstand ready to go.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Get Your Tour De France Tattoo Today

race race tattoo sexyDoes anyone know if Lance Armstrong has a tattoo of the Tour de France? I personally have not met Lance, but I have met people who have and they say he is one strong individual and a downright honorable gentleman. A strong-willed individual with that level of strength of character could get a tattoo for the race that has defined their life, and is very much about who he is. No one could criticize that.

If you identify with strong-willed people, who never give up perhaps you should get a Tour de France tattoo too. Not long ago, I was in a bicycle shop getting a tune-up on my carbon fiber touring bike and I saw someone with a Tour de France tattoo. I asked him if he had ever ridden in the Tour and he said no he was not good enough, but he loved riding his bicycle and he said that it has kept them in shape and healthy as whole life and rides every day getting his inspiration from Lance Armstrong.

He told me that he had once gone to the Tour-de-France-route and watched the riders ride by. He said it was one of the highlights of his life, and made his vacation trip to Europe worthy of the cost. And he told me that to this day he watches the whole thing on TV back in the United States, every year. I told him that I did too, so he invited me over to watch it the next day with he and his wife, and we got on the subject of tattoos.

Many people who are sports enthusiasts buy tattoos, which signify their favorite events. I can think of probably no better mark to get on your body than one that signifies a race of perseverance, strength of character, and the ultimate in human endurance. Can you? Please consider all this.

I Need To Find My Camera

Trooper Thorn has brought to my attention that I have failed to blog about Halloween.

Yes, that beloved time of the year. I was asked by many: "What are you going to be for Halloween" to which I answered, "Intoxicated".

Alas, time and money were against us and we were unable to dress up this year...but I most certainly WAS intoxicated. There was only one costume that I felt deserved some awesome accolades and that was Madea:

I have been slacking on the blogging lately, mostly due to not having anything to tell you guys. Nothing new has happened in a while and the ability to get together with friends to take magnificently awesome pictures has been few and far between.

HOWEVER, last night me, Bobz and the KK went to a wedding. Bobz was the usher. I know...who the hell has a wedding on a Thursday?!? I quickly forgot it was Thursday (or really even a wedding) when I heard "open bar" and "free food". Bitches...I have been surviving off of frozen burritos, Chef Boyardee and Cup O' Noodle (and of course beer) for the last month; I was gonna get me some GOOD food.

I had, in no particular order, sushi, a variety of gourmet cheese and crackers, (I called this portion of my eating excursion "cheese surprise" cause I had no idea what half the cheeses were) a roast beef sandwich, chicken curry, shrimp and grits, 3 chocolate covered strawberries, a fudge ball and about 6 beers, a glass of champagne and a glass of wine.

The venue was absolutely gorgeous! If you want to peep it, you can go here: The Mackey House People actually LIVE there and rent out the estate for weddings and other events. Freaking amazing place. I told the owner that I wouldn't mind having certain difficult decisions in the morning time: "Should I drink my coffee on the east or west veranda this morning?!?"

If the house was on a beach we would be having OUR wedding there...but alas, the closest thing it was to was the Amtrak track and a horse barn. OH! But we did get to see an opossum. Despite what people think or say, those little things are CUTE!

Did I mention we took full advantage of that open bar?! When we got home Bobby decided to do a gangsta photo shoot (while he still had the gangsta tux on rent) which started out clothed:

(please note gangsta Glock 40...yes, gun is real. No, of course it wasn't loaded. Didn't even have the clip in. Never actually been loaded in the house. Brother left it to me when he went to Puerto Rico...to which I am thankful. Never know when you will need it for a drunk photo shoot...errr...I mean if anyone was to break in.)

Then progressed to less clothes:

To getting downright near naked:

This weekend is the Bobz 32nd birthday celebration (actual birthday on Tuesday). I will make it a point to find my camera...
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