Thursday, July 8, 2010

Something To Fill The Page

Meme from Kat!

1) Are you a meticulous planner?

I started out saying no, but then thought about how I do tend to completely pack my bags and stuff for trips at LEAST a day ahead of time. I also do all the laundry and clean the house because I hate coming home to a mess. Maybe meticulous isn't the word, but planner, yes.

2) Do you wear make up? If so, how much and how often?

Mascara if I don't forget to put it on.

3) What, if anything, do you wear to bed?

During the winter you can catch me in PJ's that have feet in them. I even have the pooper shooter kind, but the pooper shooter keeps coming unbuttoned during the night and my butt gets cold. However, during the summer, just a t-shirt and undies will do.

4) Look over your right shoulder what do you see?

A mirror! And I am in it!

5) If you had to take one random item to an interview to help describe yourself, what would it be?

Is it like a formal interview? Like for a job? Or for a reality television show. Let's pretend it is a reality TV show. I would bring a beer.

6) What film would you have liked a staring roll in?

Something with Ellen DeGeneres in it. I love her comedy!

7) Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant?

Cary Grant fo sho!

8) Do you swear in front of children?

Well, I don't mean to! If I see kids around I try and curtail my sometimes vulgar mouth

9) Do you sew or knit or do any other "womanly" craft?

You are kidding, right?

10) Twitter or Facebook?

I love Facebook, but ever since they blocked it at work I haven't kept up with it as much. HOWEVER, I do check it on my phone. Thank goodness for Smart Phones. I am on Twitter a lot, though I should leave more Tweets.
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