Friday, July 9, 2010

Evil People

In the spirit of losing weight, one of the attorney's here at the office has entered into a competition with me.

She is going to do her own kind of diet and not "that fad shit you are doing". You being ME...

So I am sticking to my diet and she is doing whatever it is that she does. Needless to say, there has been alot of shit talking going on. We weigh every Friday. Last Friday was our first weight in.

As part of her shit campaign, this morning for weight in, she brought this over to my office:

I must say it was a genius move, but little does she know, doughnuts are NOT my weakness!! Now, if she had brought a steaming, hot plate of Mexican food I would have had to go outside and count to ten!

Just for the record...on the scale we are using...I am winning. She has lost two pounds, I have lost four. NOTE: per the scale WE are using. The one at the doctors office will say differently. AND I expect by Monday to have lost at least 7lbs. I can feel by body getting tiny!

At Wednesday weigh in at the doctor's office I had not lost as much weight as I had wanted, HOWEVER, I lost an inch in my stomach, half an inch in my boobs (though I want them to stay) and a bit in my arms. The weight may not tell it, but the inches are speaking!
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