Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tagged! Fashion...What?!

I have been tagged by Kat over at 3 Bedroom:

"What have been your fashion faux pas?"

Um, only every day of my life.

Like many people, I blame my mother. She raised me half Amish and half Pentecostal even though she is Catholic.

Totally kidding about being Amish (we just didn’t have TV) and Pentecostal (she just didn’t teach me how to put on make-up)

Her overall goal was to make sure that I didn’t focus on having “stuff” and didn’t worry about having the latest, greatest piece of clothing or item. This included make-up. If I wanted it, I had to buy it, EXCEPT she wouldn’t allow me to buy Cover Girl, oh, no, no, no, it had to be Clinique or something equally as expensive a.k.a. better for my skin. So that ended my make-up days before they even started.

This has now carried on in my adult life. SURE I could afford to buy make-up, but why the fuck do I need it now? When I put make-up on people don’t even recognize me. I rather have it that way then people not recognizing me WITHOUT make-up. The way I see it, I can always look BETTER, but it is never going to get worse than the day to day! WIN/WIN for me!

Where was I going with this?

Ah, fashion faux pas…

At this VERY moment I am wearing cowboy socks, in other words, socks you wear with cowboy boots, which I have none, but am working up to getting some. They are brown.

Don’t worry, I am wearing dress pants. Black dress pants. Check out the scuffs on those shoes. Hummm, might be time to get some new ones. Or a black marker.

I am probably one of the biggest candidates for “What Not To Wear”. I occasionally watch that show and think to myself, “What’s wrong with what she is wearing?” Only to be told by a very pretty lady and a pretty gay guy that it is the most hideous thing that ever happened to clothes.

This brings me to a list of things I just don’t care too much about:

1) Hair, though I love it when I get a haircut or have a good hair day. I just don’t TRY for it.

2) Clothes. HATE clothes shopping. Hate clothes. Let’s all be naked.

3) Stuff. I just bought new cookware since the set I bought from Wal-Mart 6 years ago was starting to become part of our food i.e. there was no pepper in the eggs, but many black flakes were stirred in. Hope it isn’t bad to eat pieces of the bottom of the pan.

Once again, off topic.

Fashion faux pas.

Here is me and little brother, Joseph (Coast Guard brother) in Boston in the 80’s.

Mickey Mouse hat, which I wore Every. Single. Day.
Neon colored clothes.
With green, striped sports socks.
With Velcro shoes.

Boo-ya! Beat that suckas!

Who knew such innocence would turn into this one day:

I tag:

Tina (though she is having a bit of a problem with eight legged creatures at the moment, go check out her most recent stalker)

MAW since she speaks of this topic often, I know she will have some good input on the subject.

Larkin who is someone who is actually INTO fashion, so I would love to see what she has for this one!
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