Monday, May 24, 2010

Glad It Is Monday!

Sure am glad it is Monday for a change! I need some rest!

This past weekend started off with the American Diabetes Association's yearly gala: Kiss a Pig. It was a FANTASTIC event! Me, KK and Larkin got to mingle with the rich folks. Our normal $100 per person ticket was bought for us by the band. The lead singer of the band is an attorney here at my firm and he said that our only fee was that we had to dance. And dance we did.

AND at the check in at the door, upon being asked what corporation I was with, I got to say, "We're with the band". Always wanted to say that! The sign on our table even said GROUPIES!

This is Hamlet, the pig one gets to kiss at this event:

He had a very loud oinker and a thing for red shoes. Don't know what that is all about, I am no pig expert, people.

After getting smashingly drunk, we decided it was time to head home, as we had to rest up for Bark for Life, which is like Walk for Life, but you bring your dog to the park and raise money for cancer.

We were quite charitable this weekend.

After Bark for Life we had a few errands to run before we went to see our Savannah Derby Devils. They won by like one bagillion points. It was a FABULOUS bout!

During the bout we learned that Larkin's cat, Flea, had been taken the the emergency vet. He had a blocked urethra. It costs $600.00 to fix. Naturally, they did not have $600.00 laying around, so they decided that they were probably going to have to put him down.

Being it was a charitable weekend, we were able to pull together some money from friends, plus two credit cards and save little Fleamus from such an unnecessary fate.

I think I am like most people; you put them down if it is inoperable, cancer or something that is just going to return, but there is NO reason to have to put down an animal for something so simple. It is basically like getting a kidney stone caught in your pee hole.

So Flea is doing good...he is now at the regular doctor's office where he will stay until Wednesday. Larkin said he is VERY pissed off about his kitty collar, so that is a good sign! :)

Sunday was spent sleeping till 1:00 in the afternoon, watching TV, eating everything in sight and watching some more TV. KK, the Bobz and I are hooked on The L Word and "accidentally" stayed up until 2:00am watching season 5.

I need some sleep!

Speaking of sleep, this is how KK found Little Boy Stryker sleeping this weekend:

Disgustingly cute. I love that cat.

While we were watching The L Word he decided he wanted to be back in his cubby hole, which is also the place where empty beer cans go. He didn't care. We paused the show to take this picture:

He put his paw on the can all by himself! Good giggle out of me! Of course, I may have been slightly ethanol infused.
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