Friday, February 1, 2008

Seriously. WTF?

Apparently this is the story behind the below pictures.


"He was, in death, propped in a recliner in front of a television, with a pack of cigarettes and a beer at his side.

James Henry Smith died at the age of 55 of prostate cancer on Thursday.
Because his death was expected, his family planned for an unusual viewing Tuesday night.

The funeral home erected a small stage in a viewing room, and arranged furniture on it much as it was in Smith's home on game day Sundays.

Smith's body was on the recliner, his feet crossed and a remote in his hand. He wore black and gold silk pajamas, slippers and a robe. The cigarettes and beer were at his side, and a high-definition TV played a continuous loop of Steelers highlights.

A friend called the viewing a celebration, adding people will see him as he was."

His sister said she couldn't stop crying after looking at the Steelers blanket in his lap. It was just like he was at home.


I am pretty much speechless.

Could you imagine being the funeral director on this one?

"No, I don't like the position of the beer...lets move it to the left"

"Should we light his cigerette for him?"

"Lets drape the blanket like so..."

"Put the remote in his hand...OK...PERFECT..."
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