Friday, February 8, 2008

Last Weekend/Super Bowl Too!

One day I want to meet the sadistic shit that invented snow boarding. He/she is probably the cousin of the person that invented heels.

First of all, who thought it would be a good idea to strap a piece of wood to your feet, turn your feet sideways, except one, yeah, that one foot we are going to slightly turn in a very awkward angle that will make you feel like your hip is going to explode every time you attempt to turn yourself. And how is one supposed to stop again? I know it wasn’t the way I was doing it, because flopping yourself on the ground time after time is 1) very painful and 2) quite exhausting. If your feet are glued to the bottom of a board that is trying to slide out from under you at every opportunity, how exactly is one supposed to get up?!

I have another issue too.


Looks beautiful, white and fluffy.

Reality: it is hard and sharp and cold and mean.

I hate it.

OK, I don't hate it. What I hate is that I am slightly crippled and because I have a bad knee that limits the things I can do. Admitting that there is something I can't do, whether it is because I am just not good at it OR my body won't allow me to do it, makes me VERY ILL.
I taught all the children on the bunny slope how to use the word fuck in many different ways. Towards the end I was trying to actually hurt some of the children by tripping them as they went by, mostly jealous of the fact that they were able to actually ski/snow board. I hate them all.

Most of the frustration of the day was due to the amount of time it took to do EVERYTHING. You have to buy a lift ticket before you can rent any equipment. So despite the fact that I didn't know if I would actually be able to snow board, I had to spend the $45 to buy a lift ticket and find out. All in all it took about two hours of waiting in lines to rent all the stuff we would need and get our gear on. We also discovered that they don't rent ski pants, so we had to buy some. So the frustration of not being able to enjoy the slopes was mostly seeded in the massive amount of money we wasted just to find out. Not to mention all the time Krystal wasted on me watching me sit on the ground with a piece of plywood on my feet.

I made my way to the bar, especially since I had wasted like an hour just getting down the stupid bunny slope. That is an hour of drinking time that I will never get back.

Amy, Travis and Krystal were able to snowboard the rest of the day and from what I heard they had a couple good runs.

When we got back on Sunday we stayed at Amy and Travis's house and had a Super Bowl party! The fact that my liver is still functioning today is a miracle. The weekend events were quite rough on it!

All the same, enjoy some lovely pictures from the events:

Super Bowl Sunday...Me and Krystal

Travis and Amy on the Slopes

Me and Krystal and my awesome hat

Krystal and Amy on the Slopes

The Lifts

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