Tuesday, October 18, 2011

And I Am Back!

So, my Mammy is gone, it is still sad, but in tradition with our family values, we drank for two days straight and celebrated the life that she lived and the family that she produced. This was of course immediately followed by knock down blow out fights all around and with me sleeping on my aunt and uncle's couch due to over consumption of all of our lovely libations. Good times!!

There was some confusion on when Mammy was to be cremated, myself and everyone, except apparently my mother, thought that she was to be cremated right after the wake on Monday. Flash forward to me walking into the church on Tuesday for the funeral and they have her ass parked right at the door. I mean RIGHT AT THE DOOR. Who the hell just sticks a body at the doorway? It would be a perfect area for the pamphlets, but a body, not so much.

At the wake I successfully avoided having to go up and look at her. I am way OK with dead bodies, just not dead bodies of my family members.

Your family members? Totally...I would even linger a while to see if it looked like they were still breathing and also try and think back to all the Six Feet Under episodes I watched and remember all the really weird things they have to do to get a body ready...but MY family members, just can't.

I am glad no one was looking when I walked into the church though, cause I jumped back a couple feet.

Thankfully all I saw was her hair poof and the tip of her nose. I am sure Mammy got a good laugh out of that one!

So now it's back to reality where we all go without speaking to each other for a few months until we all meet around Thanksgiving or Christmas where we can pick up our drunken debauchery again. Looking forward to it!

In other news, my brother, his wife and my fresh nephew Icky should be moving to the Savannah area in May. I cannot tell you how excited I am about this possibility! Getting to see my first nephew (first anything!) grow up is amazing!

I haven't been out and about for a while. I can feel my body's wear from the month of going back and forth to Macon for births, family reunions and deaths. In a three week period I spent about $180.00 on gas and drove about 1,000 miles.

So lately the most exciting thing I have done is clean the garage and go to bed at 9:30. Don't worry though...I feel certain the need for a righteous party will be right around the corner.
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