Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekend Review!

The weekend started on Friday at 7:00pm when myself, Krystal, Michelle and Whitney began our 4 hour trek to Atlanta. The purpose of our trip: 311 and Sublime w/ Rome concert! Michelle has been a LONG TIME fan of 311 and was kind enough to invite Krystal and I along to see the wonderment!

We woke up on Saturday morning and went to Flip Burger Boutique where I had one of the most divine burgers of my life! Seriously delicious.

We then went to Taco Mac to pre-game! Very important part of concert going, especially since the beers are $11.00 a piece at the concert. Taco Mac has an AMAZING assortment of beer. Basically the place should be called "Heaven".

Whitney at Taco Mac

Krystal at Taco Mac

On the way to the concert:

We arrived at the venue in a timely fashion...along with approximately 10,000 of our closest friends. Michelle, being the shittastic friend she is opted for VIP parking WITH VIP passes. I must say, after going to a concert where you get VIP parking and your very own air conditioned building, with couches, with your own nice, clean bathrooms, two bars of your very own AND a patio area, I am not sure I will ever go to a concert again where I get regular tickets! TOTALLY WORTH IT!

VIP Lounge

After partying it up VIP style for a while, we made our way over to see some Sublime w/ Rome. I have to admit I have not kept up with either band for some time. 311's album, the blue one, came out in 1995, when I was 14 years old. This was prime music time in my life. It is around the time when the almighty Collective Soul entered my ear canal. Sublime is the same; they were hot in 1996. And what I was getting at is that when I heard Sublime w/ Rome, I totally thought that Rome was another band. It is the name of the new lead singer.

Anywho, Krystal is a big fan of Sublime and I have to say, they were QUITE good!

Me and Krystal's seat...oh, did I mention that Michelle (mostawesomebitchEVER) got me and Krystal seats 7 (SEVEN) rows back from the stage?!? My camera phone chose to focus on the person's head in front of me instead of the stage, but I think you can grasp the awesomeness of being so close.

From Michelle and Whitney's seats...they too had REALLY good seats!

311 took stage shortly after Sublime and put on a FANTASTIC show!

Of note, there is an INSANE amount of weed smoking that close to the stage. My contact high was nice though. By the end of the concert I was in dire need of a blueberry muffin. All in all though, I will most CERTAINLY be attending another 311 concert!

After the concert we decided to go to the Clermont Lounge.

There are absolutely NO WORDS that can describe this experience. It is something you need to see once...and only once.

The Clermont is Atlanta's oldest strip more ways than one. It is located in the basement of an abandoned (most likely condemned) high rise hotel. It is where strippers go to die. The average age of the strippers there was 55 years old.

Upon entering this fine establishment *cough* we were greeted by a stripper, around the age of 35, with multiple tattoos, one of which was of a mustache above her cho-cha. Immediately following this vision, a lady who most certainly could have been my grandmother, hopped up on stage and began her strip show. Being the classy joint they are, they only serve canned beer and being the classy broad I am, I had my koozie in my back beer n koozie in hand, we make our way to a dark corner of the club to see the action. I seriously do not know how to describe the visions of the night.

This is one of the strippers:

Her specialty? Crushing beer cans between her boobs.

They also have Amputee Wednesday. And moving on.

The next day we went to one of my favorite spots, The Vortex. The Vortex is known for its interesting art...

...and also known for its unique burgers. (By the weekend end we were totally burgered out!) I had the mushroom and bleu cheese burger, Michelle had the buffalo and bleu cheese burger, Whitney went with a regular burger and Krystal won for most creative and went for the Elvis burger, which, as you may have guessed, had peanut butter and bananas on it. I see you with your squished up face, but let me tell you, it was REALLY GOOD! I was impressed how well those flavors go together!!

We eventually had to leave Atlanta and make the ride back home. *sigh* My face still hurts from laughing and at one point I think I quit breathing I was laughing so hard!

At one point we were considering calling Dr. Jenn (some lady with a sex and love show on Sirius Satellite) and telling her that we were all in a quad polyamorous relationship, but that one of the quad wanted to get a sex change and the rest were not comfortable with having a man in the house and wanted to know what we should do about it. OK, the ride is four hours long people, things get a little stir crazy...but I am still laughing about it right now!!!

Until next time...

(P.S. Kat is coming to see us this weekend...!! PREPARE!!)
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